It’s 4/20.. I wanna smoke

It’s 4/20 and I wanna smoke weed. I stopped drinking cuz I binge drink a lot... never know when to stop. But smoking is a different story. I haven’t done it in a while... is this breaking my sobriety if I smoke? I don’t feel like I have a problem with smoking like I do drinking. I dunnoooooo... thoughts?

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Think it’s how you define your sobriety. No one can tell you what is or isn’t. All I will say is for me it’s always lead to a slipper slope.


I appreciate that insight. All I really needed to tell me not to do it lol. It makes me anxious af anyway. :rofl:

Do that sh!T. Smoke one for me too!

Hahaha fuckkkk idk I get anxious

See I am like that with my drinking... But don't smoke weed, my ex is clean of meth for 5yrs but smokes pot though.

Yeah, its such a more manageable substance lol but at the same time I’m like what’s the point lmao

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Hey glad to hear your staying true to you!! Definitely five greater sobriety when I’m sober from everything.

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I was just thinking how it’d be nice to say “one year sober” one day as opposed to “one year off alcohol” lol

God yes wouldn’t it? 4 months max for me just getting back to it...

It’s been 22 days for me lol. I only miss the taste of it with food. Not super tempted or anything but miss the social food part lol.

Yea honestly hardest part for me too. Difficult to find people who aren’t so into it

I know. Even after I’ve talked to my friend about it and she knows I want to be sober after I posted on IG a about a restaurant I went to she’s all like “great cocktails too!” :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: helpful :roll_eyes:

Lol like it’s subconsciously done too!

Lmao like come on... clearly I don’t care bout those cuz I didn’t post about any alcohol!! I saw the stupid cocktail list lol I don’t need the reminder :joy:

Yea it’s like every time someone wants to go out it’s like “but how are the drinks” lol does not make this easy

And you think “what’s one drink?” But I know myself and that ain’t all it’s gonna be lol. So I’m just like fuckkk this. I’m done and i kinda enjoy telling people I’m not drinking anymore. I got into this mindset “I’m better than that” :joy:

Yea it turns into one drink on Thursday leading to me struggling to make it to work Monday... every single time. Hard to make it a thing though! Feels like your weird for not drinking but maybe that’s just me rationalizing it

I mean.. fuck it. Weird is cool lol. It’s kinda funny to watch people get drunk when you’re sober. I went over to a friend’s house this weekend and brought some strawberry lemonade kombucha and pineapple juice to make a little mocktail while everyone else drank. Made me feel like I was part of the drinking and even felt a little drunk/loopy myself from all the drunken energy lol. But I like that I was in control of myself and not slurring myself words like other people! LOL.

You got this Amanda, I know how it feels..

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