It really sucks to not feel loved and cared for

It really sucks to not feel loved and cared for.


Your showing love here and now

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Let us help you and love you to a better place


We all fee that way from time to time. I am sure that even though you feel that way today, you may not tomorrow.


I'm sure I will tomorrow and for a long time to come. I am in a very toxic situation that I need to get out of. Instead of care and love I'm reminded of how worthless and unwanted I am everyday.


When I truly understood what self-love and self-care are I no longer cared if others loved me or not. It starts with how you treat yourself.


Well it takes a lot to let how you are feeling out to others.. find something so simple to make you smile... even if it a sweet memory, a pic.. go for a walk... when you feel like this, the best thing is a to do something for yourself.. self love is the best.. stay strong my friend and keep reaching out

Learn to love yourself and love will find you. I had almost given up and recently found someone who is so perfect for me its bizarre. Someone is out there if you work on being the best version of yourself you can be. Don't give up hope!


Kristina do you go to meetings?

I get it.


You’ll hear this a lot in recovery circles, but nothing changes if nothing changes. This app is a good outlet but a different connection happens face to face. I speak from experience though- if you don’t change your behaviors nothing significant will change. Regardless of how badly in your mind you want it. Go to a meeting and let us know how it went.


Also, what Kelly said. When we don’t or won’t love ourselves, we make an unspoken declaration to the world that we aren’t of value. If you start to give a shit about yourself and demonstrate that through your words and behavior - then your reality will mirror that back.


Hey Kristina

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I remember saying to my sponsor how bad I felt and how this and that sucked and he looked at me and said so you feel huh?

I remember being pissed and then he said it wasn’t so long ago you didn’t feel anything, so your problem is not feeling it’s not understanding how normal people who don’t medicate their feelings react

Huh I remember that. The fact that you feel is huge now it’s about living with those feelings and dealing positively.

Answer do the next right thing and do for others. Wait for the miracle it is coming it truly is coming


Also I was told when you don’t feel loved hang around and people in this recovery life will love enough until you can love yourself.

Throwing out pure love my friend


Those chemicals, natural chemicals flow in your body, how to turn the positive hormones on in your body, a ex used to talk about that, so I realized she was right, even thoe months and months of negative rolled through my mind, finally, it leveled out, then little by slowly the positive started to trickle in, steps , promises, friends,
Happiness, joy, God as you know him ,the sunshine of the spirit...
It takes time and not drinking or using...

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Hope you’re having a better day today my friend.. stay strong and always know your loved by your Heavenly Father always

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Thanks everyone. It is nice to see the support in this app. It feels good. I appreicaite that

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Sorry to read this, I do know the feeling thro,if you like and need to talk I’m Joey Watson I’m on FB I live in Lycoming County, pa, or my cell 570-974-3844 if you need to talk ,, I’ve been clean since 12-6-06 right now I’m just dealing with some mental health issues I suffered from depression anxiety and PTSD..