It really sucks to not feel loved and cared for

Hey Kristina, I hope you're doing better since you first posted this.

You r NOT worthless! As the saying goes... "God doesn't make junk"! Try to change the tape in ur head giving you negative thoughts or comments. It helps me to try positive affirmations. Remind yourself too-- ur here-- with an ENTIRE community who's been where u are, shares in ur struggles... and LOVES you for who u r... you r WANTED with open arms. Give yourself a hug if u need too! You WILL get through this! Know that when u struggle believing in yourself... WE do.

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I hope you’re feeling better.

Great advice! Really made me think, where I am...

Make a plan for you-

How are you doing, Kristina?

Thank you that does helpe feel better thanks for being there

I feel the same

Kristina if no one has told you they love you then I do.

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Love is just, like, someone else's opinion, man.