Is there anybody else here with long-term sobriety? How long?

Is there anybody else here with long-term sobriety? How long?

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There are a few here. There is a couple that have been sober since before I was born. They really are an inspiration.


I meant that as a literal question- how long have you been sober? I have been sober 21 years

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11 months for me. I’m seeing a lot here aren’t even that long


I actually chose sobriety before I ever had a problem. I saw what drugs and alcohol did to people and decided it wasn't for me. I commented to get your post moved up so some of our folks could see it.


Awww thanks Steven I appreciate that - I literally didn’t know this app existed until the last 24 hours lol!


I got sober the day after Christmas 1984.
Was heavy into A.A through the 90’s and 00’s. Made a lot of friends in early sobriety at a clubhouse called 2218 in Minneapolis. It was a beautiful old mansion that was donated. I have nice memories of hanging out with fellow A.A friends and also going to local restaurants when the clubhouse closed. The clubhouse has taken downward turn over the years and
Haven’t found anything like it unfortunately.


But for the grace of God go I 38 years their isn’t a day in my recovery time where I haven’t said the Serenity prayer ! Recovery is a day at a time ! Cheers


4 years

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Omg I am from Minneapolis - I’ve spoken at 2218

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32 years


Yes 14 but the first person in recovery who woke up this morning is the fellow peer with the most clean or sober time 14 years is just a number no biggie and I’m not better then due to my time


13 years

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All I have seen are posts about how to get and stay sober and I am trying to find out if this app is a good fit for me or not

Not necessarily, just networking- I have moved out of state 3 years ago and I am connecting with new sober people of all kinds, friends, sponsees etc. I’m not a fan of dating apps

I keep a mental gratitude list in my head. I just got my 26 year chip.


I was sober for 6 years, broke edge for two years and now have been sober for about a year and a half.

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11 years

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Wow! Almost 37 years.

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How did you do it?