Is there anybody else here with long-term sobriety? How long?

Small world

Thanks - I have actually quit doing the math - sobriety has just become a lifestyle. Don’t mean to sound cavalier. I am in contact with a friend from the early days that is now a chronic alcoholic. It is very sad to see what has become of him.

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Lifestyle....I like that term.


1 year Monday.

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I have 7 years until recently

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At two years of sobriety I went through a time when I felt really jammed up. I talked to other people that were sober longer than me and the same thing happened to them. I talked to my sponsor and he told me that it might be time to do what I was putting off. My 4th step. I did it and wow, did I have a complete turn around. I am not saying that is what you should do but I do suggest what someone else said, go to a meeting and be who you are. We need to be rigorously honest with ourselves

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Just over 5 years :relaxed:

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At the moment am: 5 years, 2 months, (+ ) days... Free of alcohol, drugs, & cigarettes! Praise The Lord... Went to AA (initially), & then Celebrate Recovery (via: the church I was attending)... Have been working on better nutrition: weight loss down from ( 235 Lbs, to 170 Lbs )... | This year since February need to make some more adjustments due to Gout: For the most part worked out junk food, careful about how much sugar (of any kind/ form ) in my diet, etc... So a more of a Gout friendly diet, & Keto diet for a more balanced nutrition! :+1::cowboy_hat_face::pray::heart::shamrock:... It is more of a mindset, discipline, & commitment, than a loss of things I have enjoyed; healthy lifestyle over pain & suffering... It is not about perfection... There are times I do desire an alcoholic beverage, then choose not to! Congratulations to All with your progression, & choosing to focus on a healthy lifestyle in all areas of our lives! :pray::heart::cowboy_hat_face::shamrock::us:

Robyn, ( 5 Years) is Awesome! Way to go! :pray::heart::cowboy_hat_face:

6 years. Life is good.

Recovery is not a competition for me (I use to focus on number | what others are doing | etc...) I pray & hope to focus on Jesus Christ my Lord & Savior! God is my higher power ( God the Father, Jesus Christ (God) the Son, & God: The Holy Spirit... Choose to surrender, be obedient to, & commit to God... I am unable to do this without Him. I give it all over to Jesus... It is a healthy lifestyle is All areas ( My physical, mental, wealth, & spiritual).... So, I am blessed I do not have the need, or desire to compete (compare, or measure ) with myself, or others! For God is my strength, He is compassion, kindness, patience, tolerance, & Love! :heart: There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus! God is Light & Love... There are always difficult times... I know I can (& do ) rely on God in all areas, good, & bad, and to always give Him all The Praise, Power, & Glory is the Lord’s! :pray::heart: ....

For without Him, I would (possibly) not be here now... At 62 years of age, I values each day, and Give the Lord thanks every day!
Congratulations to Everyone!
From 1 Day of Victory of Sobriety, to 39 ( + ) Years of Sobriety! Way to Go! God Bless, Happy Memorial Day, Love Peter :pray::heart::us:

7 years

To my fellow peers- congratulations to each & everyone that has worked SO diligently & tirelessly to achieve "long term" sobriety!! That being said however, I feel the need to say 2 things. First off- congrats hugs, fist pumps to those who've made it 24 hrs, as well! Because one day can mean the same victory from drugs & alcohol that 10 years or more can...Please understand, these words are not meant to minimalize those whose sobriety has blessed them with years upon years, of sobriety, and some, decades! However, to those in recovery, some, have only one day, and that deserves accolades of pride, claps, love & woo-HOO's for their hard pressed efforts as well! Sometimes recovery is & can only be measured by 24 hours. And 24 hours, is all we have. (I believe this idea came from Loosid's Tip of the Day)". There is another concept I believe is equally important to consider [if not more]... and this also came from a Sober Tip for the Day...
try not to think of your sobriety as only being measured in terms of "quantity" [number of days, months or years one's been sober; but rather, the QUALITY of one's sobriety during that same time period. We may be free from the use of drugs or alcohol- but what about your lifestyle-- living a healthier lifestyle where other "side" addictions can easily hijack our overall recovery: sugar/junkfood, smoking, gambling, sex/toxic relationships, drama/chaos, and for some =caregiving [putting others 1st, before one's recovery). This concept REALLY got me thinking! Exactly what is it that I value in the quantity of my sobriety? Is it REALLY about the length or "amount" of time I've been sober? Or is it about the QUALITY of my sobreity? "Where am I in this process?" Am I giving back, as opposed to, "I've got 10 years clean from Opiods"? Just a thought...

26 March 1989

10,592 days in a row......

Coming up on three years

In principle what u say is true , but in true reality Time In recovery is key for recovery takes time it doesn’t happen over night ! It’s a day at a time , but with time comes understanding and Wisdom ,! Their is no graduation date , so in present tense today is most important, for each and everyone of us. ! Some of the the Quotes that r repeated in my opinion , need to be better defined ! Cheers

Sobered up after a Pink Floyd concert. 26 years, still one day at a time.

34 year ,one day at a time