Is anyone on here trying to just limit their drinking or is everyone just staying 100% sober?
Limiting/moderating is a great goal to have for many people!
100% sober is the way to go.!!!
I tried Brad. God knows I tried. But I just can’t do it. 1 is too many and 1000 aren’t enough. For me it was apparent that total cessation was required.
If you can accept that addiction is a disease, it will really help you see. Would you be happy with less cancer? Would a diabetic feel good if they just could eat sugar like a person without diabetes?
In my case I don’t play games with my not drinking or I would not be her.
For me one leads to “i cant stop”
One leads to 2, and two always leads to 20+ for me. Not drinking is what I’d recommend. It’s not easy I’m at work right now and I’m getting mood swings like a bastard. It sucks, but it doesn’t last.
Try looking up annie grace. She has a book called this naked mind. May help you. Good luck on your journey
Only normies can limit there drinking. My suggestion is read the AA big book. In this book you will read about how countless people men and women have tried to limit there drinking only to find out that their lives would become unmanageable or they would die. The behaviors that have recorded in this book 80 years ago still holds true today. I’m an allergic type to alcohol. I will not drink another drop of alcohol again, period! 
Limiting is a great goal. If I could have limited I wouldn’t be here.
Like Craig, I've tried Brad. I've tried limiting drinks, only drinking beer, drinking only on certain days, and the list goes on and on.
The greatest decision I ever made was to give up drinking alcohol. I can't tell you how much better my life is without that poison. And that's what alcohol is to me. Poison. In order to feel that way you have to actually get sober and stay sober for a significant period of time Brad. And take the 12 steps of AA.
I tried the moderation thing and failed miserably! At the beginning it’ll fool you into thinking that you can do this, but then bam . You’ll be right back where you were, if not worse!
I did try limiting for a little while but I am a binge drinker and once I start I have no off switch. That doesn’t mean it won’t work for someone else. You just have to gauge what will work for you.
100% for me.
Great Book!
I see people drink 2 beers and then do other shit. So confusing to my pickled brain.
Hey @brad110916
I’m not a heroin addict but I’m not going to try using it in moderation until I become one.
Addiction is addiction. It’s numbing/suppressing pain and fear rather than learning how to cope
I simply cannot moderate myself so I abstain completely.
Yes, I totally agree with you! I think they should teach it in school!
I have tried 100 times, 100 different ways with a 100 different kind of alcohol and different rules with the same outcome. Blackout drunk on many occasions and hammered on all other nights but that's my story.