Everyone's journey is different. The negative behaviors were staring to outweigh the fun ones. And it was getting worse. So abstaining is the only way, for me
If you can limit your drinking successfully, more power to you. Unfortunately, like so many others on here, I can't. 26 years of sobriety couldn't have happened if I believed I could limit my drinks.
I tried moderation and did well for about 30 days and then thought I could do this. Within two months, I was drinking more than ever before. Like so many others, I cut it entirely out of my life. It has made my life so much easier not to try to create a series of rules for the night I would inevitably break and feel guilty about the next day. Also, stress, anxiety, and fear couldn't be eased with two beers. My body was used to the sensation of being drunk. Now, 1.5 years later, I still occasionally crave alcohol, but I remain in control and feel congruent with my old sober self. My advice, be honest with yourself if you can control it great. If you can't don't lie to yourself, at least take the first complete step of assessing your actual drinking habits, behavior, and possible addiction/disease.
I want to be able to moderately drink but as this is the first time I’ve ever tried not drinking I don’t know how realistic it is.
Tried and failed many times. One leads to two and two leads to more and more until a blackout. 100% sober is what works for me.
I got plans for Christmas, 100 sober.