Insomnia is kicking my ass tonight. Does anyone else suffer

Insomnia is kicking my ass tonight. Does anyone else suffer with this in recovery


Hell yes


Yesss. I got Yogi bedtime tea from Amazon and it helps. I also taken Melatonin.


Melatonin and benadryl helps me. Obviously consult a doctor.

Yes, 5-htp is a miracle worker

Get a hammock that thing will knock you out almost immediately trust me

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Yes. Over 2 years sober and my ability to sleep hasnt gotten any better. Melatonin or benadryl can get me a solid 6 hours but i then feel like shit in the morning. Hope someone has some good advice

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Yes. Also... YES. It seems that night-time is the "right" time... for all of the "wrong" thoughts, i.e., cravings, resentments, suicidal-ish ideas... the disease will, seemingly, wake up, and begin it's tormenting. That's why I'm at a completely empty AF gym, not making sick gains, or anything, but just moving, and out of the house. It's no substitute for a healthy sleep/wake schedule, but it's better than not...
I too, am in a rural area (by circumstance, not choice, per se) and the isolation that comes with rural living, is, for me, super unhealthy. NOT conducive to anything positive. What about you? Nice profile pic, btw! <also, full disclosure: this is the very first time I've opened up and used this app. >

To combat the insomnia I lift weights. An hour of working out and my body is ready to sleep.

Oh yeah I remember those nights, now I stay active work out, go for a hike or walk so after my shower and ready to hit the bed I put relaxing music on You Tube and knock out.. I'm too tired to think..and I just started doing this... No Pills for me..but everyone is different. HANG IN THERE.

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Honestly that was part of why I relapsed, I just wanted to be able to sleep like that good sleep, but that didn't workout so now I take 20 mg a night and turn on my fan and music to sleep to on youtube, binaural beats are the best


Yes part of post acute withdrawal. Reoccurring during high stress. I have had it prior to being alcoholic and have used almost everything out there. Tonight for the first time I am taking a new rx belsomra. Hope it works tired of being tired and sober

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Oh yes, I always do in recovery first few months for sure. I listen to sleep meditation music on you tube or guided meditation s really helps .

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It’s the bane of my existence. Insomnia. Especially in withdrawal. Its exponentially bad for me, at least, because it weakens my resolve. I’m much more likely to give in to drink and drugs when I’m exhausted.


Yes. I use sleep meditations & I was given Hydroxyzine. Haven't tried it yet tho.

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Only happens when I really need it not to.

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OmG yes!!! I'm exhausted and when my head hits the pillow I'm wide awake. Took melatonin and woke up groggy.
I get severely exhausted and only then I sleep for 1 night and it starts all over again.

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I'm gonna try that tea thanks!

You literally just described my whole entire night