I'm in need of a sponsor. I'm a recovering meth

I'm in need of a sponsor. I'm a recovering meth addict with over 400 days clean. I'm moving into my own apartment and I feel I may struggle being alone


13 years clean from meth
The first two years were very hard
Go to meetings get a sponsor
Change everything you do anything that does not relate to your use


Incredible journey from where you were to where you are!! Keep with a good program and a sponsor. You got this!!

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Lindsay I also relapsed a lot before I was able to get it right if you do relapse don’t let it get you down pick yourself back up and try again meth is a very hard drug to stop if you need someone to talk with about this add me as a friend and reach out anytime
Also I don’t know your situation but if possible find a clean and sober house and commit to be there a year that will put you around people in recovery and give you a good start

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let someone know at the meeting you need a sponsor. You want one close to home.


Hi Lindsay, yes get a sponsor close to where you live if it helps..I've been clean from meth for 27 years.. haven't had a relapse..


I feel you, yeah me too, but more I like to drink too, it's tough... good people and or people that struggle like you. Will help. Sponsor styllee. Sometimes when you want to relapse or have risky behavior , someone can be there for you and say let's do it together. And it's more worth it then funding up. I don't know how to do that though.

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I go to zoom meetings 2 times a week

I have

I am on probation and in a good program that helps me stay up on my meds and goals and this week they gave me an apartment of my choice paid in full plus utilities for a whole year!! I just got blessed with a fresh start and I'm taking it and running lol.


Oh these meetings are women from all over. I d ok not like to go to the ones here cuz there are people there trying to sell drugs so what's the use.

I havent relapsed yet and honestly I dont want to get high i just need someone to be there for me ..you know.

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What? Where I am? No
I live in southeast Texas

I have a counsler at this place called Spindletop. Used to be MMHR. The help people with disabilities and people that are homeless and on probation to maintain an normal life style and reach their goals while being sober. They have helped me ALOT .

Very nice that you have a recovery plan

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Well were here if you need support.

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Thank you so much Dave

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I’m sure you got a lot on responses lol have a great day

Try some people out…I’ll throw my hat in the ring. Dm me and let’s see what happens. 14 years sober

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