I'm in need of a sponsor. I'm a recovering meth

Awesome job on the amount of time clean. I was a meth and heroine user for about 3-4 years… ended up mandated to NA meetings, but still used. Got pregnant and that’s what got me sober. When my daughter was about 2-3 I relapsed crazy hard … it took an ultimatum from my husband telling me if I didn’t go into a free faith based women’s home he’d leave me. I stayed 40 days, and never touched that crap again. But now it’s the alcohol I’m dealing with. If it’s support and someone to talk to when feeling lonely … you can add me. I’m looking for more support on here as well, as I don’t get it from anyone else the way I need it.

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Oh, my daughter is now 13 so I have about 11 years sober from that stuff

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Check people out and if the first 1-2 days they give you bull shit advice / instructions like read the book. Cut me off. This is for those with a little time wanting an experience. Also for the newcomer

You have us. :blush:

I know face-to-face and vocal connection is important, too. Have you attended meetings (www.na.org) and requested a sponsor?

Congrats on Day 400.

You around