What’s one thing that you do to set yourself up for a successful weekend?
‘Successful’ meaning in alignment with your personal goals.
Always working on my bucket list but try to stay busy try new things and try to do something fun it’s okay to treat your
I pray and I meditate daily turn my will and my life to care of good.
Prayer and one day at a time. Taking time to clearing your head. Getting things straight in your head. We can easily go to stinking thinking and set up things in our heads that sabotage our happiness and peace.
What are some of your personal goals. Please share. This is an area I have been struggling with.
I go to a book study meeting on Fridays and then we go out to eat afterwards. Then weekends are for family time and accomplishing things around the house. The good stuff.
Honestly if I begin my day with a prayer and finish it with an inventory, every day is a success.
I plan something to look forward to in a hangover free morning:) Might be a walk, usually with a donut involved too😬
I have an AA meeting I do Saturday morning. I also make a list of my goals I want to accomplish. Things like projects around the house, working out, etc
I’m working on my nutrition & exercise, journaling, growing my business & trying to pick a hobby that I can really engage in.
Still working on that. Building a safe circle yet. It'll get there in time I'm sure.
Don’t over plan. Simple is more.
Nice. I don't really have any hobbies at the moment but I like the way you say finding one to engage in. Thanks for sharing
I do the same. I love going to the park if weather permits and breakfast is my favorite meal. Not so big on donuts but eggs and bacon definitely
. I keep up with my meetings and try to do a little constructive reading if I have lagged during the week.
Working on my health , going hiking, and practicing Oigoin Meditation in a quiet park..
And bike riding along the Coast..
Listen to good music and eat
Thanks on my agenda too!
I have a pretty regimented weekend schedule. Thursday night, finish my step work. Meeting with sponsor on Friday morning. Work till 6. Create some jewelry and art pieces for Sunday. Saturday work till 4. Finish making art then work in the music studio for my upcoming album. Sunday, head to the art studio sale to show my art. Take a quick nap then head to my home group at 4:30. Get back at 8. Exercise, work on some more music. Monday is my other day off of work, so I take that day to schedule my work projects, meditate, exercise, call family, and do something creative. Also, every night I prepare some overnight oats with walnuts, almond butter, honey, fruit and yogurt so I in the morning all I need to do is out the coffee on and breakfast is ready.
Prayers and meditation works for me