I swear if I don't sleep tonight I'm gonna,..............I guess

I swear if I don't sleep tonight I'm gonna,..............I guess be up all night lol FML

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My brain everyday lmao

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No sleep yet going on 2 am, I mean I'll have to sleep eventually right lmao :rofl:

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Insomnia is the absolute worst.

Definitely not fun!!

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Had same problem. Racing thoughts all night. Was up for a week straight NO SLEEP! Went to my doctor and got meds for my depression and anxiety which I take at night before bed @ 9:00pm. Been averaging 4-5 hours a night so far. I also went back to the gym to work out. It helps.

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Like for real. :joy:

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It’s brutal, man. I deal with it all the time. Seems like after three days your body just gives up and let’s you sleep.

Yeah, the longest I've been up is seven days, and the hospital around here just wants to send me back to the phyc ward! No way lol I've never been there sober lol

Most people don’t understand how fu*cking debilitating insomnia is. Benadryl OTC can help. also makes me feel like a zombie the next day. There are plenty of prescription sleep aids available as well. Hope you get some sleep soon, bro.

I'm flagged at hospitals around here for abusing medicine, plus I shouldn't take have em! Apparently I'm a drug addict and abuse pills I'm prescribed lol just saying

Going through the same my meds got me around 6 hrs last night. Tg

Thanks man, I appreciate it! I mean fuck I'll have to sleep eventually right :rofl:

Hell yeah, I'd take a solid hour at this point !

Yeah I’m a drug addict too. There are two basic types of OTC sleep dope. Diphenhydramine HCL (Benadryl) and Doxylamine Succinate. You can find generic at Walmart or Walgreens. When I can’t sleep, I combo those and melatonin

I've tried it all man, meditation, baths, essential oils, otc meds, hards day work, long days rest ! I mean really though at this point it's not withdrawals!

Last time I went through opioid withdrawal, my insomnia lasted at least a month. But went away. It’s gonna hit me again when I finally quit kratom.

Nothing like being a night walker. It sucks if it isn't by choice. How long have you been sober?

Dude I've heard bad shit about that kratom !

I should have 37 days but I fucked up and drank 7 days ago! So I'm at day 7