I swear if I don't sleep tonight I'm gonna,..............I guess

The insomnia clears up once your body has readjusted to living without chemicals assisting sleep.

Yeah. Bad news. But doesnā€™t really intoxicate you. Itā€™s really subtle. But the withdrawal is agony.

Yeah fuck all that noise, I almost was going to take for these heroin withdrawal, but my sponsor talked me out of it! He said he kind of got addicted to it

True. But it is legal. And natural. If you get in a bind, itā€™s ok to try. Just donā€™t make a habit of it.

Lol don't make a habit of it! That's my problem with any substances !

I'll just stay away

I respect that decision. Itā€™s the right one.

Lol I'm heading into a AA meeting I'll talk to you later bud!!

Has anyone tried CBD pills?Has melatonin in it thc is very small like .004 percent. Itā€™s good for the body. A lady I talked too said it cured her anxiety and depression. I already take prescriptions to help me sleep. Donā€™t seem to work when Iā€™m stressed. Any advice please. Ty in advanced