I really don't like me right now and I'm Sober

I really don't like me right now and I'm Sober


What don't you like about you? You can fix whatever it is

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Put it this way, the thing I like about me is I am a Mommy to 3 sweetest, loving and beautiful kids

Hi Jess, anything you want to get off your chess.. Were here pls don't look the other way..

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Love yourself Jess

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Hey Jess! Any feeling you have about yourself while your sober is cool. It’s scary to not like yourself sober. But you’re sober. And that’s the addiction talking. :two_hearts:just stay sober.

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In my experience I found that when I first got clean and sober the first few months were the toughest because my emotions and feelings were heightened and amplified due to the lack of distortion from substances. Once I got a routine at meetings and found a sponsor I could express this in a healthy way and not feel so alone. You’re never alone !


Word , me too, so much love but need people that want it. Struggling.

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I am in my late 30's , own a house with property, and I have no kids , still got it but I feel dead inside, and love tomorrow's people and got so much love, but I feel burnt, drugs and alcohol. I am as weak as needing all you guys daily. It's as bad as, I would do It for you but not for me.

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You guys are rad , I am going to delete the app, because I believe I am the worst.

That's impressive. I'm 40 with 3 kids living with my in law's.

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Thank you for reply Jess. MYbe I stick around for a day or two. :blush:

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I'm homeless , but I have 2 properties. And the no kids thing for me. It's sad. Grown man with the things he don't need , ND what he wish he could have I assume from the pharmakia and spirits. It's confusing because I am good people , I guess it cones with the act of nature or territory.

If you were closer I would so ask to rent one. Lol. Why do you think your the worst?

Because I am fresh , still dabbling, and I am a good person , I dont lie cheat steal, but my addiction leaves to live risky behavior , my truck was vandalize, and was robbed, the other day so I try to numb myself, and my people take care of me now and I shared with them how to be amazing and now I am , I am worrying them. I feel erratic like moving away or selling all my shit. I believe, I feel like I need someone, a friend, or partner, it's been to long to see me so successful and go down the drain , never to inflict or compromise, just my burnt outlets and addiction. I was robbed the other day too because I am gullible so I relapse. No I can't stop.

That's all the reasons you need to stay in this with us. I believe in you

I'm a mess , PLEASE forgive me if I delete this app. I wish I c ame on better behalf. Your cool. I have nothing to live for. I'm wasting away , I wish to have family and to serve but I am burnt. Your nice , Tha kyou Jess . Promise I will never take my life. I rather self medicate microdising my end . I have faith and believe, something got to give but , only getting worse.

If you must

Great advice

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Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What you do with it is up to you. Deleting the app is not going to change anything for you. You're wrong when you say you have nothing to live for. What you're doing is giving in and taking the easy way out.

I know that sounds harsh but I've been there and I know what it feels like to take the easy way. There's a great life out there for you waiting to be lived but you have to make the decision that you're going to start right here where you're at right now. If you can't take things a day at a time without picking up a drink then maybe you should consider a detox facility.

Alcohol addiction is feeding you a bunch of lies and putting all this garbage in your head. I don't know you personally but I can tell you that you are better than that. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and tell yourself that you are better than this. When you get up tomorrow morning you should start getting to AA meetings immediately. Get some phone numbers and use them. If you can't go a day without picking up or drink then I think you should seriously consider treatment. I don't like to sound too harsh.

I just want you to be able to experience life the way I have experienced it since I got clean.

This link will help you find meetings. Great app with numbers and directions.
No excuses! Get out there and turn your life around. Mine was not a textbook recovery. I was in 17 treatment centers and countless detox facilities before I finally got the program. If I can do it, anyone can do it.

Reach out to me anytime. (SOBER)
I've been at this a long time.

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