I really don't like me right now and I'm Sober

No Your right. It's just so fresh in coming in desperate and at no success for better yet. No I rather here the truth bro. It hurts but I need to here it. I'll breathe in sigh hopefully with relief in patients and self discipline. Word. I'll work on it. Unfortunately life's been ruff. And I ... cool man. Good words.

My pla e of living is my addiction I need to get out of here.

I'm stoked to here you can give back to others that struggle where you have been and now you clean giving inspiration for others to do right. That's legit. And I feel ashamed. But I here u and hope , will do better. Big ups on your sobriety.

OK. Thank you. Will do. Please forgive me this is day one with residuals. But with respect I keep InTouch, your like what I feel a sponsor is. I worry cause It's more then just staying sober. Have a good one sorry if too late I'm California time. .take care. I'll be around

It's 847 in Cali so I apologize if late.

I am in Turlock shelter.

I am in Turlock shelter.Great.

Was up bro . I here ya

It is called P.A.W.S. Alonso known as post accute withdrawal syndrome!!! With time this will pass and you will survive and probably won’t remember much about it but all this is a process it just takes TIME so be strong be coragous and remain sober!!! You see?

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Well that is one of the most beautiful gifts you can ever receive, 3 beautiful children and I assume they are healthy. Perhaps you want to consider writing at least 5 things daily to put on a gratitude list!

Reality. Hurts doesn't it. Another reason to change. How many more reasons do you need.

Take a good look at your kids. Now ask yourself. Where would they be without you and your sobriety?

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I can't tell you how many days I have woke up not liking myself. Keep going, and relearn to like you. It may take a bit, but it can be done.

HEY JESS! Cheering for you today!


I’m right there with you. I’m in my first month of sobriety and having to live with and apologize for some horrible things I did. And it makes it hard to like who I am when I did some horrible things and have to face the reality of it all right now. But I know there’s still things I like about myself and hopefully soon those will outshine the crap.

I feel the same way almost everyday

Becoming a better person is possible. It takes work and willingness to change.

That’s par for the course, We hate ourselves. Being sober is intolerable. I can show you how to triumph with a daily 12 step routine that only takes 15 minutes to share. Dm me for keys to the kingdom. Peace

would love to hear this daily 12 step routine if ya don't mind I friend requested u

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