I’m so used to drinking while doing anything & everything

I’m so used to drinking while doing anything & everything. This is harder then I thought, even with being in treatment :disappointed:


It is hard … but just don’t stop trying. I’m only 2 days in. Longest run I’ve had in the last 5 years has been 30 days. Other times I go a couple weeks, drink on the weekend, and go sober another week or two… if I can get back to even just that at this point I’d be a happy camper. The last 3-5 months have been tough and working from home allowed me to indulge anytime I felt like it, clock in, and I could go back to sleep. I go back July 1st and I’m using it as a motivator to get my ass in check. Stick around, there’s a lot of support here. If you ever wanna chat just add me, I know this journey can get pretty lonely.


Thank you I appreciate that a lot. Just knowing people are here for the same reasons makes me a little more confident with recovery. I constantly battle with myself about me being too young to be sober. That’s my biggest struggle.

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You are fighting a battle for your life, it will not be easy. Little victories come in the form of making it to a meeting, not drinking or using that day or just keeping our sh*t together for longer then a few hours so that we can talk to our loved ones. Alcoholism or addiction cares not of your age, it will take you if you give it the opportunity. Alcohol almost killed me many times, and I did struggle with the thoughts of being young and not being able to ever have a drink of alcohol again. Honestly, it is and will forever be the best decision I could have ever given and earned for myself. Many of my brothers and sister die from our addictions every day, don't be one of them and keep fighting cause you have the courage and power deep inside of you, you just need to give it the chance to come out. :clap::metal:

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Thank you! I needed to hear that. I know down the road the view will be amazing, I just have to take it one step at a time.

Not sure how old you are but I’m 36 and feel I’m too old to be continuing in some of these benders and drunken behaviors. It’s never to young or too old to make positive changes.


I just finished treatment last week. I'm 39 days dry. I too would drink doing anything and everything and it definitely feels weird not doing so. But I know I made the right choice and am grateful I did. Stick with it. It gets easier a little bit at a time and I promise you'll be glad you did. Keep with this app too. Tons of support here. I know it helps me.

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Welcome home. U are not alone. Keep coming back. 90n90. Connect with the ladies

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Congratulations! I know it wasn’t easy. And I deff do plan too

It does get easier. The thing that has become my mantra is, “ nothing worth doing is easy.”

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Hi there pretty

Hi Emily and welcome!!

I drank all day every day. At work. At home. At my kids softball games. Before I went out. After I got home. And I hated myself.

12 steps worked for me. It’s working for millions of alcoholics like me. They say to start off with 90 meetings in 90 days. That’s all well and good but you need to get to the first one first. You can do it.

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Thank you! I will deff take that advice

Thank you. I’m taking baby steps.

Things feel different when you make changes you got this just believe in you an stay true you’ll be fine just you wait an see!

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Thank you I appreciate that :blush::relieved:

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No problem I’m suppose to inspire you in a positive way you got this it was already written just stay on point an believe in you none of what you going through will work for your better if you dnt beleave in you anyway keep your head up an plane you new life ??? Stay strong an focused it’s your time :pray:

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Hi Jen...I love what you said and little things like that work for me ...POSITIVE CHANGES..

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It gets better. I just got out of treatment and for the first 60 days I was battling cravings and anxiety. Doesn’t help that “real life” goes on while we’re in treatment, making us feel helpless sometimes. Stay strong, don’t bottle it in.

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I also want to ask of you that when this is all done an over an your living your best life for real still log on to
this app an inspire those people that’s going through it also In other words give back !it helps others by

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