I’m quitting smoking!

For the new year I really want to kick the nicotine! I’ve been smoking since I was 16 and up until now have had no desire to quit.
Even with working out regularly and eating healthy, I feel like it all goes to the way side because I’m still killing my self with cancer sticks!
This is all new to me and hard habit to quite!
If anyone has any insight, tips/tricks or recommendations on making the transition a little easier, please comment below or send me a DM!


I'm proud of you. My mom gave up smoking cold turkey, too. I heard cinnamon is supposed to eliminate the desire to smoke. Brush with cinnamon toothpaste, chew cinnamon gum, and eat cinnamon mints

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I used to smoke two packs a day and quitting was really hard.. I don't actually have any advice since the method I used to quit was illegal :joy: I'm here for moral support though! If you need to rage or vent I'm here for you friend. I know how hard it is

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Sending you all the good vibes for this, I’ve been Vaping for a few years now and have tried to quit several times but haven’t gone further than 2 weeks. It’s wild bc I felt SO much better in those 2 weeks but then I started again. Ugh. I guess I’m also following this thread for tips :joy: and to be another level of accountability and support of course!

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I'm glad that you have an interest in quitting smoking. I used to be a smoker myself. I smoked on and off for maybe 20 years. My quit date is October 2003 which was 2 months before my first year anniversary date in December.

It was recommended that I give sobriety a chance before I tried to quit smoking but like many alcoholics I'm not very good at listening to advice. In this case , it worked out for the better.

People use vaping these days but I am not an advocate of vaping because it too closely imitates smoking cigarettes. I've also never seen anyone that's swapped smoking cigarettes for vaping actually quit vaping. It was like all they really did was switch handcuffs I quit by using the nicotine gum but I promised myself it would only be a tool to go without cigarettes for a short period of time and then I would wean myself off of the gum which I did.

I took the advice of another former smoker and got in the habit of getting my mind on something else when I wanted to have a cigarette. Every time I did this, a period of time would pass and itsuddenly occurred to me that I had forgotten all about wanting to have that cigarette.

I kept on practicing that habit and the nicotine cravings. got further and further apart. In the end I eventually did without the gum all day long but I always kept it in my pocket just in case. Eventually I labeled myself as a non-smoker.

I also stopped allowing people to smoke in my place of residence and I never allowed myself to go to places where people smoked unless I had a legitimate reason for being there such as an AA meeting. That was before they outlawed smoking and most places including AA clubs in most States.

Sorry for the long comment but I want you to remember one other thing too. Sooner or later no matter how long you have quit smoking something is going to happen your life and you're going to start thinking that a cigarette will help you get through that moment. Don't you believe the lie because that's all it is, a big fat lie.

The last thing I want to say is that quitting smoking was one of the best decisions that I had made in my life. I'm a car hauler and at 62 years of age I still run to go get my cars and sometimes I run up to a quarter of a mile just to get one car. Quitting smoking is well worth the effort.

I wish you the very best.

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I had an “old timer” tell me I was weak…I need t quit it all…I am not weak…neither are you. focus on the drinking. it is all that matters. the rest will happen. it takes time. the only thing that matters right now is staying strong and sober.


smoking is a distant second…

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life will come to you. Concentrate on the drinking.My higher power is GOD. GOD never gave up on me. I gave up on GOD. For me faith has been funny tbat way

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thanks girl! :heart: lucky for me I LOVE cinnamon! will definitely look into this!

Lmao, well the support is always appreciated! I hope you’re online when for my first breakdown lmao

I can absolutely relate! While at detox I was forced to not smoke due to it being a no smoking facility! I, too, felt amazing during that week. The Cravings were still there but physically I felt great! I have a vape too but of course I’m reaching for the pack more than the vape! We can definitely keep each other accountable if you’re wanting to go on the journey with me!

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we, one, can only handle so much at one time. stay true to yoursel the not drinking part above all else.

Great advice

don't worry about the rest for now.

Such amazing and solid advice! I appreciate you taking the time to shed some light on your experience and lending out some great advice! Ive screenshot your comment and will definitely be looking onto this once I start the process! Again, thank you!

so many great things can and will happen.

Another great piece of advice! Thank you so much! I will be looking back at your advice as well! thank you!!

just take one fight on at a time.

we are not perfect. however we can overcome our challenges.

what is most important?