I’m pretty sure I’m going through detox… but can a

I’m pretty sure I’m going through detox… but can anyone normalize this for me please. I’m having nausea, no appetite, dizziness, foggy ness and raised heart rate. I want to exercise but not sure if that’ll worsen this… I’m such an idiot for this last week. I knew I should have stayed home while my husband went for his stupid dart tournament. But what’s done is done. Him amd his family are going to a local brewery tomorrow for Father’s Day. Told him he’s going solo and that our kids said they don’t want to go either. I’m tired of this shit… but I say that right now :woman_facepalming:t3:

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I had all those symptoms with the shakes and cold sweats. Insomnia. Gastrointestinal trauma. Insane mood swings. Depression. And the constant nagging voice that kept telling me that a cocktail would make it all better.

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I believe your are suffering from PAWS post accute withdrawal syndrome!! I pray you don’t go thru too much yuck!! But yes that is what I think may be going on! May the lord jesus ease your suffering soon GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

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Omg yes, there’s beer in our fridge and i keep wanting to reach for one to ease these feelings but I know it’ll just prolong it… so I’m on the treadmill right now just brisk walking nothing too intense.. and had some ginger chews which helped a bit

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Unfortunately it’s just something that you ride out. Unless you believe it’s a true medical emergency. But for me it was just a really rotten 3 days and then 2 more days that weren’t much better.

No it’s not medical emergency but this has been the worst experience out of many past years of drinking. I know it was because of Vegas and I knew I should have said no but I also didn’t want to be alone with my kids for a week… I just need to learn to stick with my gut instincts and deal with the isolation if I want this to work

Yea I’ve been working out for last 5-6 years … due to our recent vacation I decided to take a week off and had I been smart I’d have used the hotel gym to help occupy some of time instead of drinking. Sure sweating up a storm right now but it feels good and feeling some relief … maybe should have skipped the coffee this morning.

First question need to ask yourself am I ready to quit drinking. Sounds like to me you’re making excuses to drink. At least you’re talking about it and you want to do something about it. You say you don’t want to go to meetings because they’re not for you. I thought the same thing until I heard my story being told in a meeting. Then I realized I have to go to meetings because I am an alcoholic. When I first started my journey I went for my kids. And then my journey started and I went through three different programs. My choice. I still go to meetings and I have a therapist because I am a depressed person. And this is all OK just for today. I’m still sober today just for today. Take it one day at a time. If that don’t work take it one hour at a time. But I think you need to go to meetings. And there’s gonna be things that you hear in meetings you don’t want to hear. And one of the biggest things that I had to do first off. I had to change people places and things. And start my life all over again with different people in my life. So if you’re really serious about getting sober and staying sober You need to get your ass to the meetings and listen what people have to talk about. I am not trying to tell you what to do but those are things that I had to do. And I’m still sober today and it’s been 37 years. And I love who I am today. Before I didn’t even like myself.


Sorry for the book

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I absolutely appreciate your response and respect it. You might as well be right … I may be looking for a reason to drink.. not the case all the time I can certainly say but hey, maybe eventually I’ll try the meetings again. I’ve kicked other drugs on my own I know I can do this and your right I need to change where I go and who I hang out with even if that means my family and spouse.

If you ever need to talk look me up I will be gladly to talk with you. Because I’ve had so many other people help me through the years and I tried to do the same thing for others. I might not know everything but I know enough to keep myself sober and not drink.

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Those are all common side effects. You might consider seeing a doctor

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He should probably just avoid making comments on anyone’s drinking except his own. Sounds like he’s projecting a bit.

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Yes all normal. I went through the same. Foggy ness, panic attacks/anxiety, raised heart rate and heart palpitations.
I also went to workout and couldn’t lower my heart rate. My blood pressure was through the roof and I felt like I was having a heart attack. My arms felt like pins and needles and I felt dizzy as all hell. It was really scary that first week for me

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I added you, and thank you. I need to show up here daily I think, not just when I’m struggling or lapse, I wish I could meet people who live close in vicinity to start establishing healthy connections. I guess this is a start though.

Yes, that’s what I’m going through, plus headaches. Coffee did make it worse, I cut back from 2 in the morning to 1 and my heart stopped racing. This is only day 5 for me, so I’m not in a place to give advice, I’ll just say that working out has helped a ton and I wouldn’t cut that out. You’re sweating all the toxins out, that will subside as well. The weirdest thing for me so far was going on my deck and in my pool without a glass of wine. Not sure why, but that made me want to drink. I chose a book instead, phew. I keep hoping the headaches will go away, but I also quit weed 3 weeks ago today so I’m sure my brain is having a hard time adjusting. Keep telling myself it will get better, be patient, and remember this feels way better than me with 3 glasses of wine and a bowl. Feels great waking up feeling good. Hang in there. You got this.

Thank you. I agree I feel so much better when I’m about 4-7 days without a drink… and somewhere, somehow i end up caving … not in excess all the time but it’s always going to be a slippery slope. Good job and finding something to replace that urge in the moment.

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Same, I tell myself I’ll just have 1, then eventually I’ll end up in the same place. It sucks. I’m trying to make healthier choices with food too (I type this as I suck on a lollipop). Lol

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Interesting …. I workout 5-6 days a week, meal prep and eat healthy 80% of the time…. If I can develop these habits why is this one so hard to break?

That’s a great question. I think for me it’s an escape from my own thought process, and I find social situations difficult, with literally everyone. Lots to do with the series of messed up events of the past and anxiety in the now. Just have to keep telling myself it’s better this way, I want to be around for a while longer, and there’s still a chance to find inner peace.

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