I’m pretty sure I’m going through detox… but can a

I'm sorry your plate is so full. It sounds to me like you need to get into a treatment center so that they can keep an eye on you for a while. What bothers me is your elevated heart rate. Having elevated heart rate while trying to come off of alcohol is not a good symptom. It can be fatal. Forget about trying to do it on your own.

I'm really sorry that your husband is not being more supportive. You have some issues going on but it sounds to me like he has no interest whatsoever in supporting you. When one spouse is having problems with alcohol and or drugs and the other spouse has intentions of going out and going to a party so to speak, that's a pretty good sign that they have a problem too.

If your husband has a drinking problem, it sounds like he's not going to be willing to give up the alcohol that's in the house and that's not really good news for you if you are as alcoholic as I am.

I would really encourage you to find a way to get to some AA meetings, find yourself a sponsor and start getting into the steps. The sooner you start taking the 12 Steps the sooner you are going to experience real recovery. You're going to need God strength in order to stay sober in a wet environment and take care of kids at the same time.

You should also start getting with some women in the program and start getting some phone numbers and use them. Also, if your husband doesn't want to stop drinking and support you I would not put any expectations on him because that will only make matters worse.

One more thing. When you come to the crossroads and are thinking about drinking, you have to learn to play the scene all the way through. It may feel good for a short of time but what's going to happen afterward. When you wake up oh, are you really going to be any better off than you are right now? Unlikely.

You can make yourself a concoction of honey and orange juice to drink and help combat the cravings. Anything with sugar because alcohol has a lot of sugar.

You need some sober friends now more than ever and I don't just mean this app.

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Yes you are detoxing and yes that is normal just be careful detoxing from alcohol by yourself can be extremely dangerous.just hang in there good luck

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Heart rate has come down… I’ve never had a whole week of drinking … maybe 2-3 days here and there in a row but thats my own fault for going on the stupid ass vacation to Vegas. I drank some electrolytes and trying to force eat. I think tomorrow will be a better day. Thank you for your suggestions and support

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I just added to that last comment and in case you didn't read it try drinking some honey and orange juice or anything with sugar. Alcohol has a lot of sugar and it will help curb the cravings. Please try to get to some AA meetings and get some sober people in your life. I can't emphasize this enough. Good luck to you Jennifer

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I think very similar. Growing up with an angry alcoholic father, the trauma he put me through… other traumas I’ve had. My brother is opposite though and can take it or leave it. Just goes to show not everyone ends up with a drinking problem even if exposed. I can’t blame my dad .. I chose to start drinking, but he also allowed it when I turned 16. Anyways.. more so now I think it comes down to that being the reason I started… my own thought process, self worth and stressful job. I also struggle with wanting to be out with others but then not enjoying it for too long when I do, therefore alcohol helps to socialize.

Was on a week bender in vegas and due to the “withdrawal” I continued drinking when I got home on Wednesday, and slowly tapered off the last two days. I’ve never in my substance use have done this. Yes I can say it was vacation, but no, it was idiotic and irresponsible. Not to mention encouraged. My husband even had a nkght of sleep paralysis and hallucinated :woman_facepalming:t3:. I did unfortunately cave just now and took a small dose Xanax to help with the anxiety and heart rate.

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But I haven’t drank today… I’m refusing to celebrate Father’s Day with my in-laws as they want to go to a brewery … so he’ll have to celebrate without his kids unfortunately. That’s his choice though. And yes I bought some electrolyte drinks.

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I had hallucinations real bad and I know you don’t want to hear this but every time you relapse and detox again it just keeps getting worse I had some really bad ones


Hope u r feeling better. Hang in there.

I am, thank you