I’m a recovering heroin addict of 15 years

I’m a recovering heroin addict and I need to meet like minded individuals who want to share with me, because I have been struggling lately. My husband doesn’t understand BC he is a drinker and I have no one I can talk to about this addiction.


Hey I’m struggling too. Been addicted to opiates for the past 12 years. 5 yrs on subs. Don’t feel clean on the subs so I’m trying to wean off of them. I am in a similar situation my wife drinks occasionally but is not an addict. I want to break free.

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Hey Nick, I’m sorry to say you are gonna have to quit the subs. Until you are completely off that shit, you won’t be free from it man. I’ve been clean off opiates for 15 yrs but I do drink. Some people may think that’s not sober, but I say a functional life is better than not. To each their own. Since the pandemic I’ve had more weak days when it comes to my addiction. You can be completely sober and still be in your addiction with all the bad behaviors. That’s what I’ve been dealing with lately. And I can’t talk to my husband. He just doesn’t do well with EMOTIONS. Ugh.

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Recovering intravenous heroin user!! I used for 10 years, started when I was 15, driving to the East side of Detroit every day by 18!! Fuck all that shit lol! I sure hope I never go back to that BS

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Sam you can't tell someone to get off subs while you say your drinking! Lol , I'm also a
Alcoholic! A addiction is a addiction is addiction! Right


Hey Will, I thought he meant other opiates. I’m just saying from my experience I had to quit everything for it to work for me. Heroin, oxy, morphine, suboxone, methadone etc.

And honestly, even if I didn’t drink, I’d fill it with something else non drug related. An addict is always an addict. Workaholic over here. I’m def better off now than I was in the midst of my heroin addiction. Everyone has a different path to sobriety.

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I get it! I'm not judging anyone! Trust me I have no room to say shit! But I get the substitution! I've now made AA my new substitution lol!! But its a good thing!!!

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That is most DEF a good substitution! keep on keeping on :+1:t3:

Sam I am recovering heroin addict also. Just day 10 for me. I understand your opinion about suboxone - I don't agree that someone taking suboxone as prescribed by a qualified physician is not clean. Suboxone patients certainly become dependent on the medicine and suffer terrible withdrawals if suddenly stopped. If I understand the difference between addiction and dependency correctly,it is entirely appropriate for a Suboxone dependent person to qualify themselves as "clean" in both popular 12 step substance abuse groups. A person who continues to drink alcohol however can not....

This post was supposed to be me identifying with Sam as a fellow heroin addict and to ask for words of encouragement. Instead I argue. Yeah

Who said someone taking suboxone isn’t clean? I’ve been through that treatment many times and I identified as clean each time. I said in order for me to stay clean off of heroin, I had to quit everything that I became dependent on. Everyone is different. Do whatever works for you! Congrats on 10 days. I’m very proud of being clean off opiates for 15 years, so you are not going to take that away from me BC I drink on occasion. In the midst of my heroin addiction I was homeless and begging for money at my worst. Now I own my own company and take care of myself without reliance on anyone else. I’m in control of my life now. No way would I be if I was on opiates. Not sure why my post made you upset and people usually look to me for encouragement. Sorry and I am proud of your 10 days! Keep up the good work! :blue_heart:

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Hey Sam I am 13 years clean off meth
I do have hard days I tell myself if I use there is no stop
But if you are having a bad day feel free to send me a message and we can talk I completely understand
I’ll send you a friend request

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Thank you so much! :pray:t3:

Hey Sam thanks for the reply. I appreciate everyone jumping to my defense but I’m going to have to agree with you when you say unless I’m completely off of subs I’ll never be free and clean. I have been exclusively on subs for the past three years but I wouldn’t claim to be “clean”. The whole time I’ve been on subs I have not been working on my recovery. I guarantee I could easily slip right back into my old addiction if I didn’t have the subs. I think the fact that I haven’t done the work to address my addiction means I am not truly clean. I am learning this now in NA but I was in limbo for 5 yrs on subs. I’m down to 2mg from original dose of 8mg. Sam I wish you the best in staying strong.

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Hi Samantha. I can't relate- but I empathize with you.


There’s a difference between Clean and Sober

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I def get it, not having someone to talk to about it all. Sober 9 months off heroin. I lost my boyfriend 10 months ago to it. He was the one person who understood fully. Talk to your higher power, if you have one. Here to talk if you need it

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I am so sorry for your loss. Congrats on your 9 months, that’s awesome! I am always a chat away if you need someone. :blue_heart:

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Been a heroin addict since 1995, been clean (from heroin) for about close to two years now. Every day is a struggle but they wouldn’t be called hurdles if they weren’t made to get over. Re-train your mind and focus on what life has blessed you with in the present. Your strong and the only person who can get in your way, is “YOU”.

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Congrats. Been an alcoholic and all substance dabbler with love and , I've been on subscribe twice. You are strong. Opiates hurt for. A long timmeeeeeeeeee. Alcohol or a crackhead wouldn't understand. It's tough , anybody ever feel like they have bipolar mania. Like one week of partying and then the lows come , which brings risky behavior and bad decisions that effects financial and relationships and escalades to negative depressed consequences. I am there. Day 1 this app,and it's lonely dark and. Depressive

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