I just found this app ; looking for support as

I just found this app ; looking for support as myself and my closest acquaintances are all in our addictions. Mine: alcohol and meth. Worked until it didn't. I commit to making new friends and habits. Just starting...


Hi Roy.

How are you?

Your making the right decision to get sober, we are all here to help and feel free to reach out if your struggling. The first part of sobriety is difficult and you dont have to face this alone.


I am dealing tonight with my “acquaintances”, who don't seem to acknowledge that I am tired of this and wanting change. I am reading about how your relationships change when you get sober. It's kind of a lonely, but noble feeling. There was always, while I was out there, a feeling that all was well with me and my friends. But it's pretty obvious that I am going against the grain with regard to joining them in there drinking (and whatever); this is not a popular attitude on my part. But i remember the mutually-assured validation (and destruction) inherent in my relationships. So, I'm just reaching out, not knowing what I need. just don't want to feel like this forever. Thanks for responding



Thank you. I've been down this road; I just didn't get far. Tring to do the things suggested and have a positive attitude towards this plunging into uncertainty. but i know what is certain if I don't have a new vision of what really makes me healthy. Thanks for responding.

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That's awesome you're reaching out Roy. Welcome! If you need to chat hit me up. I'm no stranger to meth and alcohol myself so I understand what you're going through. You're doing the right thing keep up the good work

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Hi, Roy I know you will be able to stay clean it's mind over matter reach out if you need some help

Try smartrecovery.org been around 25 years


Hi Roy this is a great way to get support it takes some getting used to but you'll get the hang of it

Another day, and ignoring my friends. So, there's no one left. Which is okay, but they'll be back. I'm trying avenues for support; people who have been through it. This is the first place I've looked. Lots of work to do and any support is much appreciated.

Starting another week and I want to commit to change and to quit the isolation. Still using. Everyone I see daily is committed to continuing. I need to make new friends. You know what I have heard about toxic relationships. And I'm probably the worst one. I do nothing productive. Every minute is devoted to my addictions. I am tired of just barely making it in all my affairs. Every day seems wasted. I used to thrive without any chemical help. I exercised, did great in school, had sober friends and healthy relationships and activities. Until I lost my brother about 2 years ago. This is the first place I've tried. No shortage of support. Starting another week.

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The good thing as that you recognize what the problem is. All you need to do now is commit to making the changes! You can do it!

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Glad to talk to someone who doesn't want me to go score for them. I have to realize that literally everyone I know except my family has addiction fulfillment as their number one priority. The last time I was sober, I had a group of sober friends that countered all my unsober friends. It was nice. I am going to try to replicate my actions during that time, 7 months pober, that ended 2 years ago. i lost my brother to alcoholism; didn't t handle that well. Now, because I am getting acclimated to the new normal of virtual recovery ( is that a thing? ). and because I am desperate, I'm going to try to connect via online support groups. I just need that connection again, like I had 2 years ago, to people that have a common interest in not dying. So, thanks. It's new, this virtual thing, but I think it can work.

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Thanks! I appreciate connecting with clean, sober people again. All my friends are active; they don't want to hear about not drinking or using. so, I want to counter that. Appreciate your responding.

I have looked Smartrecovery up. I had a problem with 12-steps; nething personal, just too dogmatic and inclusive. Still, I was better off in “the rooms”. thanks for your input.

Thank you for responding. I like this idea of virtual support. Thank you for your encouragement.

Thanks, I'll continue. The initial response from all of you is encouraging.

Hello Roy I am Josh

Hi Roy, I used to be down that same Road, but I Stopped meth 30 years ago and haven't looked back, now the Alcohol I'm working in the day by day.. Working myself, loving myself and supporting those who seek help like you and me .just take it day by day.. Stay Strong..We're here..

Hi Noel,

Thanks for your support. I had this crazy idea about 2 years ago to try meth to be a more functional alcoholic. Kind of backfired; it seemed a great idea at the time. I went from falling down drunk every day to a very alert drunk. Seemed like a good trade… Until it didn't, and became my first priority every day. Everything I used to do has been on hold while I make detailed list, then do nothing, then discard them.met some fine people, too. I'm deistancing from practically everyone I know. You guys here offer hope. Once I had somewhat more normal relationships; lately, the only thing keeping people knocking at the doo5r (at 3 AM!) is our sick common bond of addiction. I read the stories here, though, and believe things can turn around. Thanks!

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