I just found this app ; looking for support as

Hello, Joshua,

I am glad to meet you. I'm counting hours clean; still feeling all the effects. So good to be able to come on here and meet people without a negative agenda. Thanks.



What up man, we are all here at any time, ever want to talk hit me up man.

Your on the right path, just change a few things, every thing in fact, first things first, look over the 12 steps, try to absorb it, then locate a sponcer, to help with the burden.

Yeah, Not doing good today. Not sick, just failed. All my girlfriend/ friendgirls/ whatever are not gonna stop. This leaves me with a clean slate I guess. but they are not stopping calling. More so since I said I was quitting. All my friends use, that's our life. i feel like, guilty, or I've gotta save everybody… Feels like being clean is jumping off a cliff, at least from what's familiar…and sick. I feel like the bad guy, abandoning them. I know i'm wrong, but it's so hard to say no (to her) at 3 AM. don't want to be here.

Hello Joshua,

I am trying to switch my allegiances to sober people. None anywhere near me, or i just have burned all those bridges, I think. I am reading about this, and watching youtube videos about quitting… but I give in. i am going to profoundly miss the people I used with. I cannot move away physically. And change seems like jumping off a cliff. I am told “you will never quit” a lot. So, I continue. but, I am hoping creating a virtual life on here will displace all the misplace loyalty we have. Or maybe I'm a fool and my loyalty's one-sided, tpoo. Thanks.


Roy DM me we have very similar demons i can share my experience. I personally am at a rehab facility and has done wonders with my mindset. I have zero urge to use. I am back in the light and will never return into that darkness


Stay strong remember you are not alone surround yourself with positive where ever you can get it I am here for support I am rehab so only certain times throughout the day but I will always respond :blush: even if you just need to vent I am here

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Hi Joshua,

Last night I challenged myself to stay clean just one day. I even told one of my using friends as much. She wants out, too. We just may need to separate for a while. It's funny how much I hate this, yet it's my default in any situation. The good feelings that happened in the beginning are now boring. I just keep trying to convince myself that the good times will return. But there was no substance. So good to be going through with this. Many thanks for your support. It gives me a fighting chance.

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I don't even know if I'm posting right. Okay, but I've got about 18 hrs clean, and it feels really good. What I did is known for a quite psychotic withdrawal. All the places on the internet I found to aid in withdrawal say don't do this at home, kids. But there is a point where the hospital is not available or possible. So, it hasn't been as bad as advertised, so far. I don't know about tomorrow. i hope. i plan to stay plugged in here; it's been a gift. Talking to rational people who get it about addiction is a powerful antagonist to my using buddies, neighbors, everybody. They're not cramming it down my throat. They are actually interested. I have zero faith that everyone will quit because I do. But it's okay tonight. Thanks for listening.

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13 years clean off meth it’s hard but can be done first two years where hard but gets better
And being around my old friends put me back in my addiction
Need new friends hang in there it does get better

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Hi Roy. Just saw your posts. I just cannot, as hard as I have tried, get into the aa thing. Although I’m still in early days, this app is really a help. I look forward to the end of the day and check the chats and it does make me feel supported and part of a like- minded group. Hope it helps you too! Glad you’re here

Can I talk to you. How do I DM

Please, understand that one key to recovery is to keep yourself busy with responsibilities. There is ALWAYS something that needs to be done. Move forward however slowly it may be at first. As you keep moving forward you will feel great about your acomplishments!

Sent you a friend request.

Hi Amanda,

Thanks for your patience. Today is day 6 with 1 slip on a beer, and I hated that familiar misery. I'll gladly start over this ( hopefully ) last time. It's 5:41 and I'm drinking coffee, not whiskey. All last week I detoxed at a sober couple's house and felt awful. Today I feel good. I came home and, it's like everyone is trying to test me. My neighbors don't know about it and say, similar “keep coming back”, "you'll be back. My buddy tried to give me whiskey on the way in the complex. So, support doesn't live here. But the virtual friends, who I haven't met and may never, have motivated me ver the months. I wish I was an easy sober person but not am I.

I'm going away for 3 weeks with my sober friends on a great trip down the coast of California. I worry about how I will act sober. I may be rabling; it feels good to feel I can have some control over my words and actions. I appreciate your support and friendship.

Roy you’re doing fantastic. I’m so glad to hear that you’ve found sober support locally. Enjoy your trip. It will bring peace, perspective and gratitude amongst many other things.