I have a question for everyone about “relapse dreams.” I’ve

I have a question for everyone about “relapse dreams.” I’ve been sober for 15 months, and in the past 6-8 months, I’ve been having frequent relapse dreams (more like nightmares). I say nightmares because everything seems to be going fine, I’m having a good time in a social situation, and then I realize that I’ve broken my sobriety and I freak out.
I’ve read about this being part of the recovery process. Does anyone have experience with these dreams going away? And how long did it take?


Question :question:
Have you recently been putting yourself in riskier positions. I have had similar experience. When I spoke out about it, to a friend, we figured out I was challenging my sobriety. Going to risky situation without support. Such as vacationing alone, out with coworkers where I would be the only person not having a drink, ECT.


I did find these experiences to stop, once I took another look into my behavior. I was getting over confident.

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Hi Scott-actually no, none of my situations have changed as far as exposure to alcohol or drugs. No new people in my life or anything...

I did notice that in a recent dream, I turned down my friends when they offered me alcohol. Maybe it’s a step in the right direction to be saying no in my dreams? (Although I dreamed I did mushrooms last night...)

I have had those dreams about every six months into sobriety and after the two-year mark I didn’t have them for years. If you feel like you’re sitting in your program or have an issue you have an addressed that might trigger you to romanticize about whatever you were using, then I would talk about that with someone. The best thing is about this is that they are only dreams.

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Thank you! I think it may have to do with missing my friends? Like I’m always hanging out with people I really miss in my dream, and the dreams take place in the past, mostly.
Or/and my subconscious associates socializing with drinking and drugs, because the two were always tied together.

Sounds like it’s time to give them a ring if you’re far away from them, or get together if that’s safe/feasible.

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Totally! I’m recently vaccinated and taking small steps toward having a sober social life this week!
A lot of my friends are across the country, though. Good advice about picking up the phone! Why do I never think of that?!

I've had relapse dreams a few times. I was told to expect them by my counselors and therapist's. So, I wouldn't worry too much about having the dreams. It's part of the recovery process. :pray:

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I didn’t really have any till I hit a year. Had em for about three months and then my mind left me be on the subject I guess.

Where as you had a freak out session in your dream....mine were pretty uneventful. I remember one that I was out of jack​:joy:. And the coke was dried up and crusty :man_shrugging:. Just remember a “wtf?” Kinda feeling in that particular dream. I’ve heard people have some pretty nerve racking dreams though.

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I have these from time to time. It is like a nightmare. I wake up freaking out cause I know all it will take is one drink to go right back to old habits. Your not alone

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I just want to stop having them! Glad to know it’s pretty common.

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I used to have those “low supply” dreams when I was drinking and using!

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Drunk dreams are normal. I've been sober for nearly seven years and I've had them from time to time. I was sober once before for almost 9 years and I had them from time to time then too. I know of no data to back up the idea that drunk dreams are indicative of a poorly run program of recovery. Will they pass for good? I don't think anyone can truly answer that question. The good side about this is that when you wake up you know that everything is okay and you did nothing to jeopardize your sobriety. I would just accept them and keep going back to meetings and doing whatever you're supposed to do.

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I have had dreams where I knowingly and willfully break my sobriety. That’s scary. I’ve also had just regular drunk dreams at a party or whatever. Those don’t bother me as much.

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I have those dreams also. I take it as a sign of how important my sobriety is to me. A healthy reminder that one slip up is all it takes. It’s your actions that you make during your waking life that count, not in your subconscious dream-state.

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Your disease is working on your subconscious to get you to slip. As long as it is a dream, you are good. It is normal and will pass with time.

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Wow. I hadn’t thought about it that way. Like my addiction is trying to find a way to win. Not going to happen!

Yes, I would have those dreams too! Then around a few months ago I actually had a dream where I declined a drink and asked if they had non-alcoholic beer, so apparently my subconscious is getting on board with recovery;)

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