I have a question for everyone about “relapse dreams.” I’ve

We talked about this at rehab. One of the counselors that has been sober for 25 years still has relapse dreams. It’s completely normal. You were probably thinking about it subconsciously.

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I have them too. 230 days in. In my dream I embrace them because relapse is always a possibility.


I like it when I have them. I get to be grateful that it didn’t really happen again.

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I personally think it’s something you might always deal with. I haven’t shot up dope in 5 years, and I still find myself sometimes having dreams that I’m using again..only to wake up right before I actually get high. They were way more intense and frequent at the beginning. But it still happens to this day. But when I wake up, and look around and realize I’m not actually high or in that particular situation and it was JUST a dream. My panic dies down, and a sense a comfort flows over me. Because I realize I’ve made it one more day! Just hang in there. It gets better, and just remember. Just because they are dreams, doesn’t mean they need to be reality. That parts up to you. And you can do it. Hell. If I can do it, I believe anyone can?

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Way to go!