I feel like this is the night I fall off

I feel like this is the night I fall off. I literally feel it coming. I'm too tired to even fight it. Maybe I need it. Maybe I need a break after 13 days of this new lifestyle. Maybe I can get back on tomorrow and go another two weeks. Things have not changed in the ways I needed them to. I don't know if change is worth it anymore.


Stay strong

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Get to a meeting. Call a sponsor. What every you do don't drink. You will regret it if youbdo.

Yep. I do.

Whatever you bought you can dump it out. You can get on a meeting or to a meeting. Don’t let the booze win.

This is your solution but it's up to you to grab it.
Meeting makers make it!

I fall sometimes. And I always regret it. I’ve been trying to do a cost benefit analysis when I get to the place youre at now. Just listing advantages/disadvantages of using and also of not using below it. It’s helpful to me. It’s a more logical way to look at the the impulse and the consequences.

The only way out is through! Sometimes we just have to sit with those hard feelings.. feel and believe it will pass. Take some deep breaths and remember what you’re fighting for!! :white_heart: sending love


Stay vigilant we are here for you!

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Change is always worth the wait. Don't be so hard on yourself. One day at a time and if you want to talk, please reach out! :heart:

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Hang in there. I'm feeling the same way right now. Anxiety. It helps to get support. We can do this!

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Did you make it through the night sober, or are we celebrating a new beginning? Either way, don't give up. You can do it.

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Try to get to a meeting. If you don’t want to go it alone I could meet you there. Try hard not to give up but if you do (or have) don’t give up.

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Hang in there

New beginning

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I'm just glad you didn't give up. You can do this sis.


When is the night you get back on?

Yoooo if u pick up you could lose your life or catch a nice lonnnggggg prison sentence as a result. Or try this one on for size. End up homeless, lost everything stuck on skid row. Don't use

I lived on the streets of Detroit and NYC for 10 yrs shooting coke and smoking crack in the slums while my family sat back in horror everyday worried sick. Hard life I'm telling you don't go down that road! All it takes is one and you could be done fool!!