I feel like this is the night I fall off

I'm 42 and went on a yr long binge recently. Just got clean 12 days ago again. Trust me all it takes is one and you could lose your world in seconds!!!!

I was homeless on the streets of NYC 13 days ago. Dangerous lifestyle

Pick up and there will be consequences to follow

Be werry ,and carefully choose, I watched as someone close, did not ever come back, sad, it is so worth it to fight for clean and sober future, we all depend on you as fellow ship, it is worth it

Change is always worth it. You can make that decision tomorrow just get through today maybe tomorrow is the day everything clicks. Took a month off for me. And everything is finally looking up. Things don’t fix themselves over night. I used for 15 years plus and I definitely know that when I’m having one of those days I feel like you’re describing that I tell myself I can get high tomorrow and sleep on the decision to throw all my hard work out the window. Keep your head up. Call a friend. He’ll talk to me. We definitely don’t have to do this alone. Hit me back if needed. You can do this.

Your still here Ebbi, talk to me, tell me whats going on,, friends thats what you need girl

Read "There is a Solution" in the Big Book and go to ad many meetings as possible. Call your sponsor and at least two other women in the program each day until those feelings pass ... and they will. :pray::latin_cross::heart: