I appreciate the friend request, but I have found that

I appreciate the friend request, but I have found that yes, I get along great with men, and there are so many men in my corner, for sober support... but I can’t seem to find any female support on here. Female support is a HUGE need in my sober circle!


Hi. I'm more of the shy type- but I promise there's quite a bit of female support here.

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I don’t seem to get any male support ironic don’t you think


Exactly. As soon as I started this account, I immediately began getting male requests, but no female.

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Welcome to sobriety!


Thank you. I’ve been around... just haven’t quite got far. I had a year, and I picked up on my sons death anniversary. So today I have a little over 40 days again.


Congrats on 40 days. My condolences on your son. I’m lost with words on that topic as I couldn’t even imagine that would feel like. We are all here for you. Reach out before picking up. I’m here for you.


I am trying hard. I am coming off MATs at home, on my own... and it’s hard! To be honest. Especially this weekend and not to mention my
Youngest sons birthday was yesterday and my oldest sons birthday is today and I’m struggling with not being able to spend today with my oldest son!
Sorry to vent. I am in a bad mental space and I have to get out of it immediately!!!

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Let go, let God. I'm truly sorry that you're in such a rough place right now and I have no idea what you're going through but know that you are in mt prayers

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No worries on venting with me. Let it out! The more we share our frustration the more we can find solution. You’re doing well! Try to be grateful for what you have in front of you. Write down. This helps me ground myself every morning. Gratitude list.

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Thank you Yvonne. Prayers are miracles!

I always speak out loud about what I am grateful for but I have never began a gratitude journal. I think I will try that suggestion

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Beautiful! Growth! Another step I. The right direction. I just completed my gratitude list and journaled for today. It’s very therapeutic for me.
Don’t tell anyone but my journal is also a place where I can write down the goals I want to achieve in my life. Shh :shushing_face: I call it a manifestation list. It’s a solid way to let my guardian angels :angel: know exactly what I want.
Enjoy and best to you and your family! :hugs:

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I'm sitting in a zoom meeting and admittedly distracted because I downloaded this app because I just remembered I had an account. Yours is the first post I clicked on out of curiosity. Sometimes coincidences is the universe guiding you. I lost my oldest son last year, Mother's day took me out this last time. If you need to vent about any and everything, I'm here.


Thank you! I know I am not even close to being okay right now. My entire family and my significant other is currently celebrating my sons birthday. And fireworks, while I am sitting at home alone isolated. I want to drink or use so bad. I don’t want to feel. My heart is shattered.

I love this because right now I need something to keep me together. I’m falling apart quickly.

How are you doing right now? I just got back from my morning hike.

Falling apart. I’m sitting in my front yard looking at the bar. I haven’t walked over there. But I am breaking. I tried to walk to 2 meetings but they are closed today. I called my sponsor and she is at her moms for her moms showing. I am broken

Falling apart. I’m sitting in my front yard looking at the bar. I haven’t walked over there. But I am breaking. I tried to walk to 2 meetings but they are closed today. I called my sponsor and she is at her moms for her moms showing. I am broken and

I see. Can you sit in the backyard? It may lessen the temptation…
How was journaling today?