I appreciate the friend request, but I have found that

I haven’t journaled today bc I haven’t stopped shaking or crying long enough to stop hyperventilating


if Pam L, Rose S or Jennifer is at the noon mtg Primary Purpose they will def. help you. Just ask around and get numbers. But I will def. help get you hooked up with some women in the rooms.

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I got Pams number and Heather’s. I also have another Pam and I’m meeting Terri there. I’ve been in the rooms off and on, but it don’t help save numbers when you factory reset your phone.
As well as after last night, hearing it may not be until November when I get to see my kids unless I go the court route, I decided I love my kids, but I have to take care of me… no matter how hard it hurts

Try to stay in today, meetings, use the phone. There Is A Solution!

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Hi Maggie. I'm Crystal. Approaching 17 months clean and sober. I went through a program and am now in aftercare. I, also, could use a sober female friend.

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Hello Crystal!

Hey Maggz! Thanks for the response. Looking forward to getting to know one another, later!

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Exactly! I have very limited family support, and female support.

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Absolutely! DM me bc I have quite figured that out

Sorry it's taken so long to respond! Phone issues! I am currently in South Georgia, seeking a residence I can afford? Currently at the Walmart. I am the only one with a vehicle, at my residence. I completed a 6 month inpatient program. Started that last September. I remember hearing how much "things" would change. Well,"Duh?", but I had no idea how incredible this would be!

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Things in my life have also become amazing. But the promises always come true. I find it is whether you are reserving a fear of success or if you have let that fear go!

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Hello I'm Robin. A 57 yo grandmother who has seen and done a lot of things I regret. Please hit me up if you need a grandma's perspective. No judgment. Just love for people like me trying to recover. Hugs


Thank you Robin

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Same for you

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Ladies, I have just accessed a tool from Richard Scroggins, through Facebook. He is a multi-billionaire, giving "lessons" about success? It might be worth your time. It's free and I found it compelling.

Hello there, I have the same exact issue as you. I would love to be friends and chat.:hugs:

Hello Maggz. I sent you a friend request. I would love to write a DM to you.