I am very antsy and bored today

I am very antsy and bored today. That always got me in trouble in the past. I think I am going to jump in the shower and try to find something to do. Wish me luck. I need help keeping myself from the bottom of a bottle. That would lead me to other substances.

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Call someone.

I really don’t have anyone to call. Sad huh?

Hot shower will be relaxing. Do some reading and a gratitude list. Sobriety is soooo much better. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes a hot shower made me feel better. And I haven’t done a gratitude list in awhile. That’s a good idea.

I text my sponsor

I also am listening to some really good country music.

Hello Tina, I totally know what you mean..boredom is also my enemy...

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Start to read something, shower, eat a lot then read and fall asleep, first think about how good you feel not on that shit

Boredom is the most dangerous thing for us. Something healthy to distract your brain. Take a walk. Get those endorphins releasing.

Hi Tina,
I know the feeling. It'll pass, but in the meantime reach out to someone, take a walk/run, finish a project, or start one.
If you don't journal, this may be a good time to begin. I do and maybe it'll work for you.
All the best.

I am sorry to hear that.

I went for a drive with my sponsor and her friend.


Thank you! I do need to start journaling again. I did while I was in treatment.

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Yes your right I not only feel better physically but mentally too!

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Thank you

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You're most welcome

I’ve never journaled,I’ll make a not to start!
