How many people here are in AA?

How many people here are in AA?


:raised_back_of_hand:I am

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I am

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So am I. I’ve started last week. I had my best friend’s wedding last night and had a planned intox day for it. Prior to that, I was sober for the last 6 days. I knew that was my one time I would drink and I only had 6 days under my belt but now I am regretting it and have to start from zero again.


I’m guessing you didn’t have a sponsor when you made that plan?

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No I don’t have a sponsor yet but some people who check in on me from the meetings.

Prior to starting AA I was, and still am, in a harm reduction/drinking moderation group.

I am in AA as well But don’t tell anyone I’m supposed to be anonymous


Haha I realized I probably shouldn’t be asking this...

No you’re good I’m just being a smart ass my sponsor likes that a lot🤣

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Hi Jules- not in AA but I use Smart Recovery and mindfulness techniques to maintain sobriety. Glad you are here.


I overheard an old timer ask a guy if he was a friend of Bill’s? That was his code for asking about aa


I’m having trouble choosing one. It has to be a woman right?

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Oops. I already told grandma.

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That is highly recommended. Although a few have been known to break the suggestion.
Statistically it's all been for good reason.

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And I understand why as it could become a conflict of interest...

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Not sure. Let's count.
One, two... did you get the one in the blue shirt? Alright let's start all over.
One, two, three...

I’m on step 1 after being 9 months sober. I was doing it alone, on self knowledge. But, luckily I found a friend, a sobriety sister to take me through the steps. Im so grateful. It was uncomfortable asking for help.

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I’m in!

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