How many people here are in AA?

I'm soooooo glad u found a sister to walk with you.

I join daily already but thank you! I am in AA.

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I am

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I am

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W/o raking the steps and going to AA meetings literally saved my life. So yes, I'm in !

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Iā€™m doing okay Jimmy! Thanks for asking!

I was about 10 years ago. I just joined CheckUps & Choices and will try SMART Recovery meetings to see how that goes. Iā€™m not excited about going to meetings but not ruling it out.

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I have been for many years. It saved my life for sure. Great tools and network of people.

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Planned intox ???? Lmao the shit us addicts make up :rofl:
Next intox I plan would be my funeral too lol thatā€™s just me I guess

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It was a term used when I was in a drinking moderation group. I joined AA last week and just used that term so I could drink for my best friendā€™s wedding this past Saturday. That was my last day of drinking. Moderation does not work for me whatsoever and I am committed to being sober for the rest of my life. I was sober for six days prior to Saturday and have been attending meetings daily.

Ladies and gents - I now have a sponsor!! :raised_hands:t2:


Nope. AA is not for me.

Iā€™ve done a couple online meetings. Havenā€™t had the time (or courage) really to go to an in person yet.

Friend of Bill's :metal:


Been thru the AA steps and sponsors but its no longer fo me.. But still Sober

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I follow a 12 step lifestyle and regularly attend AA meetings among others. I donā€™t split hairs regarding one fellowship or another. Good recovery is good recovery.


Proudly IN. Sober 2 years and counting. If I could have gotten sober on my own I would have, but I needed that group of like minded people, who drank like I did, who had a SOLUTION that made sense and who could show me how to do it. Glad you found a sponsor; that's a big step in the right direction :heart:


Iā€™m in multiple 12 step programs including A.A

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Been in for years!

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