Hi. My name is Julie. This is my first time

Hi. My name is Julie. This is my first time posting here. I’ve really been struggling lately and I am back to day one today​:cry: I’m so tired of this merry go round I am on. I was drunk last night and told half of my family off. I mean I really told them all what I thought of them in the meanest way possible. This is not the person I want to be. I am usually the kind happy helpful person but not lately. I’m spiraling down. I want off this... I want to be happy and healthy once again. So here’s to day one. I pray there are many more af days ahead :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thank you for listening


Thanks for sharing Julie! You got this !!


Be great everything will get better julie

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Hello julie welcome

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I understand. Been there. Done that. I am with you! The power of forgiveness is wonderful !!!

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Hi Julie. Wanting it to stop is a great first step. What are you prepared to do about it?

The fellowship of a 12 step program provides a strength great enough to overcome your will to drink if you’re willing to do the work.

We were all where you are. You can have what we have.


Thank you!! I want it very much!!! I need to look into a 12 step program!!


Thanks for sharing. My suggestion is, go to some AA meetings and just listen and see if you can relate. Get with the women in the program and hang out. Don't worry that they aren't your type of people either. You're there to seek help.
It gets better if you get a sponsor and take the the 12 steps.


Welcome Julie, obviously your trying and thats a good thing. The 12 steps would be a good idea.. congrats on you first day on being sober..


Julie...I am in my first month as well. Today, I woke up feeling at peace. I hope you have the same soon. Please let me know if you need anything.


Thank you sue!! I know this is going to be hard. But I can do hard things!! At least that is what is what I’m telling myself. Congratulations on your first month!! That is huge!!!


Thank you

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Julie, keep it going... one step at time... one moment at a time... Even though you maybe going through difficult times, at the moment... It will improve! (I can relate to the family thing! It can be frustrating) ... My prayers are with you! Thank you very much for sharing, being open, & loving! All The Best, God Bless, Peter :pray::heart::cowboy_hat_face:


Been there also Julie! Just know there are better days. When those days happen What helps me is taking care of whatever I need to take care of that day(instead of sitting at home alone and dwelling on it) helps me keep my mind off things as hard as it is to want to leave your house. God bless!


You can do this, nothing good comes from drinking it is an illusion. Your family will forgive you when they see your efforts to stay sober. They will see that that was not the real you. Remember that there are millions of us that are doing this your not alone.


You gotta get God. Let go and let God do for you what you can not do for yourself.


Hi Julie hang in there a lot of good people and support on here

Your honesty is admirable! When you have been battered and beaten enough and get some time and distance between you and your drug or behavior of choice as well as develop a network commit yourself to staying clean and sober until your next meeting! That's what I suggest to my sponsees. Some do it, some don't, some die! Sadly, that is the reality of this disease. I am only here by God's grace. If I had gotten what I earned and deserved I'd be in a jail, institution or a grave! :innocent: :pray:

Your off to a great start Julie,don't ever stop being honest with yourself and evaluating your actions.You seem courageous and optimistic even while struggling with something. Your not alone and THANK YOU FOR SHARING! I just joined today.I have 94 days clean from alcohol and drugs,and with some clean time,treatment, and sober support it all gets easier swthrt keep it up!

Thank you. It’s hard. But I’ll keep on trying. Despite all the creepy people who reach out only wanting to see naked pics!! Seriously people. This should be a safe place for people who need help!!!!!!