Hi. My name is Julie. This is my first time

Yes!! You all know who you are!!! Shame on you!!!

Aww Julie being there too specially with my ex girlfriend I lost her.
But life is too beautiful.
You are a special human being
Please don’t hurt yourself.
Stay well.

If you will report those people the admins will be more than happy to remove them from the app. Also if you can send screenshots of the conversation where they were inappropriate to support@loosidapp.com it would help. They often get reported profiles just because someone looked fake.

Hi Julie. How are you holding up??

Hey Julie: I was trying to picture your last day drinking and the "merry go round." It sounds awful and I've been there!! As many have said in this thread, 12 Step meetings will offer you the most support. As restrictions are really starting to ease, more and more meetings will start to open again. In the meantime, there are literally hundreds of meetings on Zoom. The app is free and so are the meetings!! I wish you the best.

Glad you are here.

Report them. Report creeps immediately. Snd out them too. Fuck that. This is a safe place but we are all responsible for some housekeeping from time to time. Nobody wants to see my nudes so I’m safe there but I report scammers as soon as I see them.

Julie I’m in that club as well :disappointed:

Where are you located?

I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through. We all have been in that dark place. But through the grace of god and a little help from Bill’s people there is a light at the end of
The tunnel! Keep your head up! Pray and give it all to god! Remember, HE’S got you if you surrender and ask him to take away all your difficulties with this disease.

Keep coming back haha….glad to hear you are going to keep fighting. I was the same way, on and off the wagon, in and out of meetings and treatment. Get off the ride as soon as you can, you don’t need to feel more pain then this last time if you don’t want to. Trouble is the memory fades so fast of how bad it was. Just keep talking about it and I am here if you need to talk.

With you!