Hi! I’m looking for friendship and support

My name is Kraig. i am a great full Recovering Alcoholic!!
I too am looking to build a support group of others who want friends in recovery!!
Don't be hard on yourself about the slip. i spent my first year of seeking recovery in multiple treatment centers, a lot of detox places... I finally reached my very bottom in February when my last slip caused me to end up in the hospital once due to multiple tears in my esophagus; then the second time in a month or so, i went to detox and almost had a heart attack in the hospital due to a critical low potassium levels. But now i have 5 months and 5 days​:sunglasses::raised_hands: Last week i celebrated my 29th birthday sober for the first time since like 13-14. Keep it One Day At A Time, be kind to yourself, and proud of your choice to heal! Be steadfast with your resolve!! Stay committed to self improvement. Little by little a life beyond your wildest dreams will reveal its self to you!!!:pray:t2::raised_hands::partying_face::innocent::sunglasses: I'll send you a friend request