Hi! I’m looking for friendship and support

Hi! I’m looking for friendship and support. I had 2 weeks but blew it on vacation… but I’m motivated again.. I realize how important it is to have people to talk to. Haven’t been to a meeting- that scares me. I was feeling great and super motivated on my own, feeling that way again, having encouragement will definitely help!


You can do this! I’m back to the beginning too after 130 days. Thought I wanted to moderate, turns out I just want it out of my life. Accountability and support I’ve found online in the past were huge for me. Hoping to find that again. :butterfly:


:blush: it really helps. I think connection is a basic human need and ironically, many of us have used booze or drugs to make it easier to connect with others, but in reality, it’s detrimental to real relationships. You got this too!


Hit me up any time. 57 yo grandma with lots of great advice. Lol. Just ask my kids. Best of luck on your journey


We all need a community, for the ladies you could check out woman for sobriety.org it really is a great program for woman


Welcome back Buttercup! My suggestion is to try an AA meeting either zoom or in person. www.AA.org. Get the AA big book and a Sponsor who can walk you through the steps. This program really works when we become 100% willing to turn our willpower over to a power greater then ourselves. For me that’s God.
Today I’m grateful for the fresh water I have to wash my cloths and body with.
I find that journaling and a gratitude list helps me start my day.
Have a wonderful day filled love and peace within.


I’m sorry you “blew it” but glad you are back. Did you really blow it if you learned something from it? Even a slip can become a success if it is a lesson we don’t repeat.


Thank you so much! :blush:

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Nice, I’ll definitely do that. Finding supportive women i know is super important. Women who lift each other up is a tribe I so want to be a part of :raised_hands:


Thank you for the suggestion. I’m considering a zoom first. It’s a bit scary to walk into a meeting and not know who is going to be there… or what to expect. I understand the higher power idea can be self defined which is important… I wouldn’t want a religious theme to dictate my recovery. I have heard from others who say don’t worry about that… it’s not any particular religion driving it- correct?


Very true. I like to say I’m a work in progress in many ways, as we all are… continually evolving. :blush:

Good evening Buttercup,
You’re welcome. Zoom meeting is a wonderful idea. However there’s something about an in person meeting that brings you closer to know that there’s others just like us. Plus it’s a great way to get out of our comfort zone. Take your time. You’re doing great! As for the religious part of AA, it’s all up to what you believe in. And there’s not one person there pushing anything onto anyone. You are correct. Just that we believe in something greater then ourselves. Early on in my sobriety I heard someone say Call it Gus instead of God. Great Universal Spirit. I used that one for a few months before I realized that God is love and I’m ok with God. I wish you well on you sobriety journey. Have a wonderful evening filled with love and peace within.

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Don't let your addiction fool you having a support system is a must...you can do it...hit me up if you need someone to talk to

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There is a program called SMART recovery that is not based in religion, but meets in groups similar to AA. Keep in mind that AA is not necessarily about religion (I’m not an advocate one way or another for AA, it’s different for everyone) but rather about understanding that there is a higher power. That higher power can be anything you choose. AA and SMART recovery both offer Zoom meetings, which I have found to be great. It takes away the concern about being in-person, removes excuses for not being able to attend, and meetings are all different times. I always thought I could handle my recovery on my own, and I did for awhile, but groups can offer you a backup plan. I’d highly encourage trying one out and seeing if it’s for you, and if it’s not then you’ll know why it’s not. I’m happy to chat with you any time about your journey, so please reach out.


I got this app because of my social anxiety, I mean I have the morning meetings I walk to all the time where I know everyone (it's a nice, small group) outside of that I don't have anyone to talk to. I keep busy with work, the gym, chores, ext. I understand what your going through, if you ever need a ear :ok_hand:


Great advice Matt!! AA works for millions of people and has been around for quite some time, if it works for you that’s fantastic! Just know there are other options, quite a few actually. Best of luck Buttercup and keep up the good work!

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Thanks… I hear that.

Thank you very much. :blush:

:blush: agreed. My screen name on another recovery forum is sober up buttercup :wink: gotta hold on to some humor

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I appreciate that, thank you. Yeah, it’s weird because I love people and connecting with them… but this adds a weird element into that situation. In person meetings are truly scary… wish I could be a fly on the wall in one, I guess that’s what a zoom meeting would be like :woman_shrugging:

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