Hi. I’m going to give this my best shot. Day

Hi all. I’m here because I know I can’t do it alone, I’ve tried many times. Looking forward to being a part of this community.


Hi Lisa. Great job on recognizing you can't do this alone. We're happy you've joined this amazing community and are looking forward to getting to know you.

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Hi Amanda. Thanks for the warm welcome!

Hi Lisa, welcome. Have you found a support group outside of this app yet? Being able to talk directly to others is a huge help.

Welcome to the community! :heart:

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No I haven’t found a support group. But I have a counseling appointment… in December. Unfortunately they are that booked. I’m on the cancellation list.

Can you enter a substance abuse disorder treatment? That should open before December. It took me one day to get into SUD treatment in Minnesota.

Find a meeting to go to. Not sure if AA is you thing but they have meetings listed online.

Ok. Hey I have to get off for a while but I’ll be back. I have people over. I’m so happy people are trying to help. This is an amazing community.

Hi Jan. I don’t think that’s necessary. I quit smoking pot 2 weeks ago and I don’t drink heavily enough to have severe withdrawals. Just mostly anxious and irritable. Not sure what to do with myself. I have summers off, so I don’t have work to distract me. Also, since summer vacation I have been drinking more and I know I need to stop. I’ve tried cutting back before but I always creep up to drinking too much.

Youre right Lisa!! Just as Loosid's "TiP of the day says...the "journey is BEAUTIFUL when we do it together... and treacherous, when we try to do it alone"! You've got this... u said yourself-- u have ur Summers off, so take that time to hunker down, attend meetings, get sponsor, reflect & journal. And of cu
course-- stay apart of this faMily-- I've found great support! Great luck!!

Hi Lisa your so very right none of us can do this alone!!!

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1st step is always the hardest. Take it easy on yourself and time and the hard work will pay off. Good luck :muscle:

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I used to go to AA and I had a wonderful sponsor. I think I will give her a call.

Thanks Amy. I woke up at 3:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep. My thoughts are my worst enemy sometimes. The first thing I did was come on here, read and reply to some posts, and I am ready to face the day. This place is awesome. Reminds me that I’m not alone.

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Hi Lisa!! I hope you’re feeling good this morning. Any luck on reaching your sponsor? I’d love for you to join us on the sober side of the street.

I’m doing great! Day 4 and feeling awesome. I haven’t contacted my sponsor yet. I think I threw away her card (she’s a hair stylist) a while ago. But I’m hanging out with my sober friends only, went on a hike yesterday. I know I can’t be around anyone who is drinking because I don’t want to be tempted.

Good morning!! Yes none of us can effectively go thru the process of recovery alone. I’m here for you anytime I’m not working ok!!?

Thanks Jerry. I appreciate the support.

That is a fantastic start. I’m so glad you have sober friends. A lot of us didn’t at all and feel overwhelmed by loneliness because we have nobody to hang with sober.

The next step is a big one. Committing to a program of recovery. 12 step or otherwise, getting with people who have stayed sober, learning how they did it, and then teaching others how to get what you have, is what has worked for me and millions before me.

So maybe it’s time for a haircut?