Hi. I’m going to give this my best shot. Day

It is what we do in our group we keep what we have by giving it away helping others to the recovery bridge back to life.. also known as keeping our spirits alive. Have a most excellent life Lisa you deserve it!!

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Yes, I am lucky to have sober friends. I actually moved away from my friends years ago to start over. I found myself getting jealous because one of my best friends is still going out all the time, dancing and having fun, but now I realize that if I still did that I’d probably be dead.

I’m trying Jerry. Really trying. I’m so glad I found this app.

Yes me too together us addicts can do anything we can’t do alone!!

Welcome to Sobriety life! It’s full of beautiful people, choices and love!

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I've had to do everything in life pretty much alone.
Sobriety was no different for me.

You are not alone in it now. Let us know when you need help.


Thanks Steve S. It took me a minute to find your reply.