Hi! I’m erin and was just referred to this app

Hi! I’m erin and was just referred to this app by a sober friend. I recently got out treatment in February and as of last Friday have 90 days sober/clean. I am so grateful for my second chance at life and wish to do great things with it. I attend 5+ meetings a week and work with my sponsor and other women daily, but I am here hopefully go start making new friends and connections and help others in anyway I can, please feel free to send a message any time and I’ll be here to chat! :white_heart:


Welcome :wave:!


I love this app!!! Welcome welcome!!! Keeps track of your days sober and an instant connection to other sober folks!!!! Keep coming back!!! You got this!!!:green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Agreed :+1:. I've been a regular member since last year :yellow_heart::v:


Thank you !!

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Thank you! :wave:t3:

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Hi Erin! Welcome.

Congrats on taking charge! 90 days, attending meetings often, have a sponsor, and being of service. I'm happy for you. Keep up the great work.

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Thank you !

Hi Erin from Chicago ! I'm Sara from Texas ! Glad you're here !

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Hello! Thank you!


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Hey there :wave:t3:

Hey there back and welcome :pray:

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Hi Erin Welcome..

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Thank you!

Hey!! Welcome! Good for you with the dedication! That's really inspiring

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Aw thank you that’s awesome to hear!

This app is great and aside from a few catfish types it’s a great place to chat/vent, welcome to your second chance.
Every day is worth it!!!!

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Oh snap thanks for letting me know! Lol and thank you!

Hey by the way what games do you play?