Hi! I’m erin and was just referred to this app

Lots of dead by daylight, elder scrolls and outlast! Hbu

Hi Erin

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Welcome Erin! Congratulations on finishing treatment that's huge!! You're on the right track. Sobriety has so much for you!! Keep up the good work!

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Thank you!

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Welcome and Congratulations :clap:

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Thank you!

Love Dead by Daylight been playing. Elder Scrolls since Morrowind and am extremely upset Bethesda deleted my Redguard

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Dbd is my fav!

Hey there, Erin! Congratulations on making 90 days! Happy to hear that meetings are working for you!

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Thank you!!

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Way to go Erin! Keep up the Awesome Job! :heart:

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Thank you!

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Congratulations Erin I’m new to this site as well and just 79 days sober.

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Congratulations! And thank you!

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Awesome I’m 1993 days. I live here in the city if you ever need to talk it’s a long road but well worth it I lost a lot I gained a lot I hurt a lot but I am greater sober

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That’s awesome! Congratulations! And thank you!

Yes definitely I’m all set up with my home group, and thank you !

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