Hi everybody👋 I'm very happy to have found this community

Good job. Welcome

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Welcome :pray:t3:

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Thats awesome Richie! Good job on 37 days!! Very proud of you! You got this!

Thanks Amy!! This 6 months has really flown by! I am very much looking forward to whats in store for the next 6!:blush:

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It sure does!! And thank you:)

Thanks Dave. You're so right. Its been able to sneakily persuade me back in the past. But I've got my guard up and im not going down without a fight this time👊


Welcome, I’ll be 7 months on the 4th! Such a blessing! Welcome!!

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Me too! Congrats!

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Thank you Katrina. It hasn’t been easy but I can see it’s getting better everyday. I’m starting to feel better and look better. 38 days today :raised_hands:t2:

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Hi Katrina :wave:
Glad you made it here on this site. There are a lot of good people with solid recovery (no matter how you've been sober). Congrats on the 6 months; keep doing what you're doing. Don't be afraid to reach out for support (that's what this is for). Take care

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Hi Katrina, welcome to the community

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PS. Your dog in the photo looks like a real pal.:grinning:

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There’s more than one way to do this. Whatever it takes, do what works for you! And yes, drinking/drugging is but a symptom!!!
6 months is huge!!!:pray:t2::heart:

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Whew-HOO ! Congrats to u too!!

That's AWESOME Jeremy-- the 4th is just 48 hours away, bAbae!! Rock ON

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Thanks :pray:t4: Amy

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OmyGosh Katrina!! Idk u lived in GF!! (UND alumni from 94-99). Not a fan of the whole "fighting Sioux" situation when I was there--hockry seats over ingenious people's sufferings... however-- im only 2.5 hours away! Ever wanna chat-- look me up!

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Wow , a positive soul, so up beat i love it, I have put together 11 years , no saint my character defect could have a meeting and use a hour like that,so good to have you on here..

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Welcome Katrina! You are dining a fantastic work on yourself.
Alcohol is the anesthesia of human kind, it doesn’t let us grow higher as beings of this plane and realm.

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Ooops I meant doing a fantastic work. Autocorrect lol,
I wish life would autocorrect but the best way it is doing ourselves.