Hi everybody👋 I'm very happy to have found this community

Hi everybody​:wave: I'm very happy to have found this community and look forward to talking with some of you beautiful souls that are on a similar journey! I am 6 months alcohol free and.. man, it feels so good to say that! One day at a time! I still have a lot to work on and quitting drinking was definitely not a fix all, but it sure has made life better. I feel better, look better, SLEEP better.. actual full nights of restful sleep​:zzz: AMAZING. Wishing you all a peaceful, happy and hopeful day​:sunny::tulip:


Hi Katrina. Welcome. Thann you for your positive attitude. Congrats on 6 months.


Thanks Amanda😊

Awesome! I’m right there with you. I feel the same. I’m almost at 7 months.

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You too!! I’m sixty days today!!


You're welcome

Hi Katrina congrats on your 6 months
Are you going to meetings and have a sponsor yet

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It's such a nice feeling isn't it:) and almost 7 months! Fabulous! Great job!

Thanks:) and yay!! Great job on sixty days. That's awesome! I hope you're doing something nice for yourself today to celebrate, you deserve it!

Nice to meet you too, John! Great job on 30 days! Thats fantastic👏

Thanks Doug! And no actually, I've never been to a meeting and do not have a sponsor. I've been fortunate enough to be able to switch up my environment and its helped tremendously. I also spend a lot of time reading post on the stopdrinking community on Reddit. I find its been a great tool for me personally.

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Keep it going! It gets better!


Well keep it up add me as a friend and if you ever need to talk hit me up

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Congratulations and I'm happy for you. Just don't let your guard down. Remember, alcohol is cunning, baffling and Powerful! It's been known to bite when you're not looking.


Congratulations Katrina. Im on 37 days without alcohol. It’s a struggle but I can see I’m getting better everyday.



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Congratulations keep up the good work :muscle:

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One day at a time sure adds up. Congratulations!!

Welcome Katrina!! Congrats on ur 1st 6months!! Look forward to the next round of 6months! Imagine that-- it'll be one YEAR b4 u know it-- ur already more than 1/2 there!!

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Welcome :blush::+1:

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