Hard Choices

What's the most difficult thing you've had to do in your sobriety?


Make amends and overcome my shame


I think that's something we all had to do. :weary: Making amends is easier than overcoming my shame.

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Yes Amanda it's still a daily battle for me :confused: connecting with people on this app has really helped!

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It'll get better.

I'm glad the app has been beneficial.

Not being able to go to my own house cause I have a restraining order on me where I can’t see my wife an #1 losing my kids

I'm sorry, Bobby. Is it a chance you can work out things with your wife; and something, though it may be court ordered, to see your kids?

Navigate a break up while staying sober


Acknowledging that I am struggling and need help


Being around my alcoholic wife

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That is hard. How did you deal with your emotions after the break up?

That's good. We all need to admit we need help. I wonder why that is so hard for us. I'm guilty for sure.

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I'm sorry Mick. How does she feel about sobriety?

Still trying to get the trust back

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Lol got to text my friend sorry for a drunk text for telling her I had a crush on her. Know that doesn't sound hard. But, god it's so embarrassing

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At least you got it off your chest.

Does she like you? :blush:

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The hardest thing is facing the person in the mirror. Every day my wreckage follows me, it's a part of my body I can never be rid of, like your skin or hair. I see it everytime I stare into my reflection. One day I will get right with me, myself and I.

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Learn how to access my emotions naturally when I feel numb (I used to use alcohol to pull that emotional plug).

Tell everyone what I have been doing all these years

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She doesn’t think she has a problem with alcohol. Tells me I am projecting my issues onto her. She doesn’t support my sobriety even after asking me for years to stop drinking.