Good morning..👋🏼

New to this community this is my first day of sobriety. Hoping to make sober friends and support to stay sober.


I'm new here too
I have 25 years of sobriety. I'd love a new friend ! Any way I can support you. I will.
I am proud of you ! In the life of an alcoholic, first day sober IS a big deal. Baby steps, sweetie !


Welcome Samantha! Sobriety is an amazing gift.


Thank you so much Sara, your response actually made my eyes tear up a little. Idk why I guess it can sound stupid to anyone not suffering from addiction. But it is a big deal.and I'm going to do this. Baby steps and one day at a time. :hugs::hugs:


Welcome to the club of awesomeness and clear head. I am just ten days sober. But it has been super fun.


Thanks Ajay. While looking for support groups online I came across this app. So far it seems pretty cool. Congrats on day 10! :+1:t3::metal:t3: that's awesome. Looking forward to the day I can say the same. Lol :laughing:

Hi Samantha.

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Hi Amanda :wave:t3:

You will. Positive reinforcement, treat yourself for taking the first step. A good dessert or a good movie. Haha. It's worth celebrating. Or a good meal

Hi! I'm new here too...first day sober. Scared but really want this...


I'm so tired of living in a haze and hurting the people I love due to this disease!

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Not a bad idea

I made an ass out of myself 10 days ago, managed to piss off every single person I know and got kicked out of breakfast place. See the brightside that today, you were not that person anymore


We can do this Elizabeth welcome girl :pray:t3::blush:

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Same girl..same. tired of waking up from passing out the night before Hating myself.

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I really have to this time! I want my life back!

Damn. Lol no judgement though. I'm just tired of waking up hating myself for things u did while drunk and don't even remember doing..ugh. that person is not who I want to be. Have you made amends with the people you pissed off? Was it family or friends?


You can do this. We can do this together. Is there a time of the day that triggers your drinking more? Mine is on my way home from work. So today I plan on being on this app during that time so I don't do my same old habit

It was some friends and most girls I dated in the past two years. I was more annoying, I hope you get what I mean. I was asking them to hangout at 7 am on a Sunday morning and I had no memory of it.

Not very proud of it. I disrespected myself and them. Made my decision not to disrespect myself like that anymore. That's my motivation. Disrespecting self and not keeping ones promises will cause to have low self esteem. I don't want that. Screw that