Doing this alone

I've been sober for two months now after almost ten years of using non stop. I'm finally starting to feel like a normal-ish person again which is amazing. The shitty part is that I have ZERO friends now. Literally not even one (sober) person to talk to. Most of the people I've met along the way are still living that life. More than a few of them have died doing it. Me and my (now ex) boyfriend got separated when they sent him to prison and now I'm just alone out here. I don't even know what this app is but whoever reads this, hi


I am in a similar situation friend wise. Lost quite a few due to their drug use over the years. I’m here if you ever need to talk!! Just joined the app, so haven’t really spoken to anyone on here.

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Thank you for your reply, you are now the first person I've talked to on here as well. Lol :upside_down_face: and ditto girl

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New life! New friends! They are every where. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation! So exciting for your future!!!!!

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AA changed my life. AA made me realize that I matter. Go to meetings. My gf is an NA girl. Whatever your poison there’s 12 steps to freedom. First step is admitting you’re fucked. Second step is having the desire to not be fucked. Third step is admitting that you can’t unfuck yourself without help.

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Yea this app seems nice for a relatable audience and I was surprised by the positive feedback. I think I’m still going to need some tangible humans to make sobriety a reality but I’m happy to be here even if just to divert my downtime into a non-destructive place while I wait around for my own likely “correctional stay.”

I did a few “long weekends” over the course of my distinguished drunken career. Judges love 12 step programs. First thing my lawyer told me. And it’s up to you to decide what form your higher power comes in. You wouldn’t be the first to visualize hp as a judge or probation officer.

AA, NA try both, figure out which one is a better fit for you. Meet people, get a sponsor, work the steps. If you like to read, Russell Brand - Recovery - is a good book, I read it last night. Reach out on here. One Day At A Time, just for today stay sober. Do that again tomorrow. Network in your chosen program. Good luck. I check in at least once a day.

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Craig I appreciate the advice. I’m going to AA meeting two this Sunday and will be headed to an intensive outpatient in July (I work 24 hour days at a boarding school until then). I’m well aware I wouldn’t be even considering this if not for arrest #2, but my passion has always been my occupation at the end of the day. Single, family lives abroad, work all day and week for years now, and I’ve dealt with a gnarly injury since September. Life had been really lonely and access to friends and outlets all that exacerbated my problem and I’m just real bummed my career is going to be thing taken if the cards play out the way they seem. But I’ve been more bummed at that than craving a drink which is very bizarre - but I’m riding it and trying to do the right things and be the right person and hopefully the judge can see that but if not I’ll know it. The police/courts are responsible for my wake up call - I have to admit.

Have you ever read that recovery book by Russell Brand by any chance? Your comment reminded me of it... If you have no idea what I'm talking about then my bad. Lol

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Yeah man. It all sucks.

Oh yeah I love that book. I was totally paraphrasing it. I made a post about it a few days ago. Page 75 is part of my morning meditation

That's so weird I literally just mentioned that book to someone else before I read your comment! I read it last month, it was the first book I had read in years. It's a good one. Good luck to you too :four_leaf_clover:

Same here with the wake up call. If I hadn't have been in SO much trouble with the law, I don't know if I ever would have stopped using. Literally had the FBI raid my mom's house to find me and thought I was fucked for life. Now I'm on formal probation and the whole thing kind of forced me to get my shit together or at least try

My friends were too nice to do what the law was happy to do. We’re here now. Thanks for mentioning the book. It’s nice to put a familiar face like Brand’s to a new challenge for me - I was unaware.

Hi, Zoe.

First, congratulations on 2 months sober. That's absolutely amazing. Be proud of you.

Secondly, we absolutely cannot be on our sober journey alone. Attempting to do so will cause us to relapse.

Find connections here, through meetings. Having sober friends is practically rare unless you practice a form of religion. All my sober friends attend church with me. But we look at each other as family. So I really don't have sober friends. It's sucks not to. Regardless, I know sobriety is the way to be.

You can do this.


It put a few of my issues into perspective, I have become kind of complacent with my recovery, not working it as I should. Time to get back to basics for me. Praying you have success in recovery. If you need to talk, give me a shout.

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God bless! You are an awesome person! No looking back! Your future is so proud and successful! Go for the gold!!!$

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So happy we have a wonderful support system.

No need for mile high text. We all love you