Difficulties in Sobriety

Which aspect is most difficult in your sobriety?


I think it would have to be finding a happy and healthy family relationship. I am still working on that and it can be hard when there are still old wounds and the lack of understanding that is found with another alcoholic. I love my family but even after 16 plus years I can, at times, still feel like an outsider

For me it was learning the lessons, if we don’t learn from them we repeat them then get stuck in the insanity, so I look for my lesson in everything and process. Also one huge thing for me was not having expectations of others every time I did I would get let down and feel like shit, so now I expect nothing not even common sense expectations, so there for I don’t put myself in a place to be hurt.


The fine line between showing empathy and expressing no time for self-pity.


Dealing with everyday life on life’s terms!

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I was more emotional when drinking now I’m not so I’m told I’m not ‘real’.

I haven’t drank in almost 15 years. I used to go to AA but stopped a long time ago. Lately I’ve been feeling jealous of people that are out partying and feel I’m missing out. I have anxiety problems and I know alcohol takes it away. I also know it’s too dangerous for me to drink so I’m struggling with how to have more fun in life without drinking. For the most part though my life has greatly improved since I quit

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Hobbies…I find if I get myself involved in something like knitting or diamond art I tend to forget about the drinking and become so engrossed in what I’m doing. Heading in 11 months (the longest for me)

A woman in my home group went back out and I hate it. She was at all of my first meetings when I was all fucked up. She had over 4 years.

You need help.you now the answer.aa . talk to a lot of people .that have gone out.need a massive amount of meetings

1to15 years was getting in to change and meaning it.I would pick a word after each sobriety year or phrase and work on it.and mean it.it help me a lot.to be a better person.

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A friend got a crash course in steps 4-7 this week in dealing with a 13th stepper. That’s frustrating.

And I’m still discovering resentments and working on letting them go. Catch and release

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For me personaly, the hardest challenge was my wife of 7 years giving up on my recovery process; dispit our vows of sickness and health.... i cronically relapsed due to feeling diserted and not valulble enough to stand by my side when i finally chose to get help for my Alcoholism. I relapsed after 90 days in treatment, Covid and being new to sobriety i just fell off the wagan... she left to go live with mom... that summer was charecterized by cronic relapse, and detox's... when i checked in to the seconod treatment center, i called her to tell her im safe and in treatment to end that emotional cycle. when she answered the phone she talked to me like a nurse giving bedside manner's. i knew something was different and wrong. When i flew back home from treatment in Florida, i asked her if she could give me a ride home, she told me she wanted a divorce during the ride home..... i got home and i was heartbroken: my mind went on auto-pilot and i went to the liquor store... i finally went to my third and i prey my last one... i did a lot of soul-searching and accepted that i have to clean look at what part i played in everything.. I realized i have to clean my side of the street. when i got home My ex and i talked about everything. i'm now 141 days sober and working a program, in a outpatient, and in a amiable divorce!! i still suffer major depressive disorded and bipolor 2, but im taking medication that has changed my life! Alcoholics Anonymous and a M.A.T. treatment gave a life i never could have imagined in active addiction!!

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People giving me crap about why I'm not drinking. I just say to myself I am enough

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Best is stay a way from drinkers until after your first year .all about it is very hard in your frist year.it may help.90 and 90

Just acknowledging and working through everything I had repressed and suppressed with alcohol. Being more honest with myself and with the people in my life about what I want/need to be healthy.

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So far, not being able to numb the uncomfortable emotions and having to feel them. Day 27.

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Justified resentments, still dealing with them

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Can’t help but laugh.. nobody outside of AA community would ever understand this. Maybe we are a cult lol

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