Dating = πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

So there are a total of 4 women in the dating section for the area I live. I guess that's that!! :rofl::sweat_smile:


That's what dating was like before the internet. You had 3 people to choose from.


bruh don't even get me started

:rofl: :sweat_smile:

Ask yourself, does those 4 women look as though it's worth the effort? Look at what you got with being sober; do any of those women look like they'll enhance your recovery? PLEASE! Don't let "d$*k" answer these questions?

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It was rough dating before bloody COVID, plus being a single parent in recovery....
It's all good though, just funny is all.


Have you tried other dating apps? Curious about doing that in the future but not sure how that would work now. Feel like I would just need a disclaimer almost :thinking::roll_eyes:


Right! I toss out my disclaimer on my profile, blunt and true!


But you know what's really funny, when younger women (under age 35) hit on me. I find it amusing because as I start a conversation with the young lady, Steeley Dan pops right in my brain. Can't keep a straight face when you're hearing "Hey Nineteen" in your brain.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Here's a true story of online dating in recovery. I was talking to this young, beautiful 27 year old. I was 58 at the time; things were going good. Until one day, I told her I was looking at condos to purchase. She laughed at me saying that I was being stupid for buying a condo for having sex with her. I kid you not, that's what she said; she thought I was talking about condoms for sex instead of condos to live. Again, "Hey Nineteen" moment; I immediately ended that relationship, lol :laughing::joy::rofl:

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I so learned that about 5 years ago, trying to date at first without spilling the Big Secret. Way too much trouble, I learned; gotta be up front right away that I cannot drink. Let them think what they may, but it has to be that way. :man_shrugging:t2:

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My take on the "tell or not tell" question is that I normally mention my sobriety as part of my overall healthy lifestyle. I would say something like, "Due to a health scare I had a few years ago (which is true, but not the main reason I got sober), I made a choice to live a more healthy lifestyle, which includes not drinking alcohol, smoking cigars(which I miss tremendously), etc.". That way, I don't feel some form of guilt for lying (because I'm not) and if it doesn't work out between me and the other person, my sobriety is still protected. If things change and I'm becoming more intimate with that person, then I open up more about my sobriety then.

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4 to

I agree :+1:. I feel very confident in my sobriety now but my addiction, much like many others, almost took my life so I know I'm not now and probably won't ever be comfortable with a partner who drinks around me. Limits the dating pool ...

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Try finding a sober person around your age on an island. :grimacing::rofl::call_me_hand:


For me, it’s not about a normie who drinks. It’s about a normie who has done no work and has zero self awareness. I would so much rather date someone with a program. I would probably inadvertently pick out the closet addict in a room full of 1000 normies anyway! :woman_facepalming:t2:

Dating apps :weary: