Dating = πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

They're the worst :man_facepalming:t2:

Dude, I've basically given up on dating. For me, trying to find a girl who doesn't get wasted has proven nearly impossible. That being said, I'd rather be sober and single than sorrounded by chicks with a drink in my hand!


Yeah, I tried dating people who drink. Definitely didn't work for me. I'd rather have my ass whipped than try that again!

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I agree with you.

Lol :man_facepalming:

Yeah for sure!

Ur hot don’t worry about it lol

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I'm at that point now.

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Wisdom !!

There aren't any in my area.

Haha ... yea. I thought (haven't done) it might be interesting to do an A/B test - dating profile A: Me w/o mentioning sober vs. B: Me w/ sobriety recs in it ... have a feeling how that might go :joy:

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I tell my "secret" in my description. Has not produced any hits, but at least I am being honest. I don't go to bars, watching people getting intentionally stupid does nothing for me. I have resigned myself to being alone for the remainder of my time on earth.

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Dang that's 4 more than where I live lol


Hi Kevin,
Oh boy! Good luck. I've surrendered.

Hey, Kevin! I hope all is well.

Have you tried updating your dating settings? We are a growing community. So you should see new dating profiles in the next few months.

We'll be looking for ambassadors soon to help grow the community, including dating. Let me know if you are interested.

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