Anyone here dealing with mental illness ? I have bipolar

Anyone here dealing with mental illness ? I have bipolar


Schizo-affective disorder, PTSD, major depressive disorder, and anxiety.

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How are dealing with it and staying sober ?

Yes also Schizo-affective, PTSD, depression and anxiety. I don't let it define me. I take it sometimes one hour at a time and that's ok. Don't judge yourself.


How does it effect your sobriety ?

I used to get overwhelmed with all the visual and audible hallucinations and want to use or drink more. Now I journal alot. It helps to compartmentize things so I can think clearer.


Schizoaffective too here. It definitely adds another challenge but being sober makes it much easier to manage this part of it


The doctors are telling me staying sober is a must with all the medications I'm on.

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I don't get audible hallucinations but I get the visual. I also have issues with delusions .

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Every day I never know how I'm going to feel, I'm not different to any one I'm just different in my head, as you all know that sucks


Major depressive disorder. Talk with your doctor, my meds help hugely in recovery.


Just just my personal opinion I don't believe you can be addicted and not be bipolar hahaha yes I've been dealing with it most of my life and I've tried different types of medication different types of treatment but what works for me is a healthy diet a good workout regiment and balance I have to attend to my physical mental and spiritual needs daily much love and respect


I have mental illness but it doesn't have me! I have panic disorder and schizoeffective disorder

Bi polar here. Doing much better this week with meds and no alcohol

Bi polar 1, ptsd, panic disorder, major depression, anxiety. Meds, therapy, diet, exercise, friends and family support

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:raising_hand_woman:t3:yes and have been for years and have been on several meds my body gets immune to them super fast and the thing that sucks they don’t know what’s wrong. I feel like a freak. But just remember just like with anything it’s one day at a time! Only you know how you feel! Don’t let anybody tell you it’s all in your head! You are going to be just fine! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m bipolar 1 elevated startle response and so much more. That’s why I went for the bottle, wanted to feel normal also, I also struggle with anxiety, ptsd, and major depression, It’s so hard, especially because you never really know what your feeling! Stay in touch with people and talk about it. Every time I isolate something bad happens. Stay on your meds and see a therapist if you can. Keep your head up, I understand you completely!

You explained it perfectly! And I get immuned super fast too!

How do they fix that do they keep upping your meds or change them or what because I’ve been on so many different meds I’ve been on maxed out dosage of meds I just don’t know what to do anymore and I’m just curious what else is there to do

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I’m very new to it all, I just was diagnosed in November so I’ve only tried a few combos because it takes a few months but not matter how much I’m on which is a lot. I still feel sad and empty, like I don’t belong around people and stuff. It’s the weirdest and that’s why I isolate - I hate it. I need to get most therapy for sure, but I’ve decided with my psyche we will do 2-3 month trials until we find what works for me