Anyone here dealing with mental illness ? I have bipolar

I totally hear you! I’m on several different ones and was so upset with myself and totally spaced taking one of my main ones for almost 3 weeks then when I remembered I just started taking them! I didn’t even think about calling the dr. Now all I do is cry over everything lol I just feel like I have lost it. I messed up. In a way just wanna give up wait a while and maybe start over lol it’s like why why us lol

Bipolar one

My first manic episode happend in March 2020 I ended up half way across the country hiding in the woods . My car was stolen I lost my job then lost my house . I did manage to stay sober through it . This disease has cost me everything.

My psychiatrist treats
me but doesn’t label me. Not sure why but have come to realize
the label isn’t the issue - it’s the recovery. This has also made me ponder this question -

Would we be better off simply stating our names and we’re committed to recovery.
Is constantly stating our drug of choice productive. ?
Curious how you feel about this - I know it’s important not to forget but at what point does it really matter, we or myself simply had issues and used to ease the pain.

I have not yet had a response on this new format - please just say “hey” if nothing else. All opinions welcome.

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Hey how are you.

Big polar depression and extreme anxiety I'm on meds for it and I'm making it sober not self medicating so yes I know how u feel