Any one else quit drinking and by day 3 your

Any one else quit drinking and by day 3 you’re bloated with tons of water weight?! Gained 10lb!!?!? In two days !How is this possible?


Have you been eating more because your not drinking? I’m on day 4 and today woke up bloated… I refuse to weigh myself lol. But I know my sleep hasn’t been good, I haven’t been drinking enough water AND last night I had sushi then ate ice cream and other sugar snacks at night so I know that’s my issue today. Suggestion, get more active.. even if just brisk walking, drink a lot of water or natural teas. In fact dandelion tea is supposed to be good for me after retention. And make sure your getting enough sleep … don’t let this derail you. It’ll pass


Have a great song for you Taylor to listen to. Artist NF song just like you! I like this particular artist it's nice to hear were not alone and others made it which indicates you can to. Cause we are just like you!

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NF is a good one :+1:

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Not more than I normally do other than day 1 and I started jogging on the treadmill too ironically, I think I’m drinking more pop than I usually do so that could be it. It’s just nerve wrecking considering I had already gained some and now this in 2 days?! Lol I’m sleeping decently with the help of Benadryl! Maybe I should drink more water

Thank you

It’s crazy isn’t it? That’s why I’m just bluntly posting what I’m experiencing to hopefully meet like minded people who understand for once

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I definitely gained when I quit. About 8 lbs the first week but I noticed I was eating quite a bit more throughout the day. I'm sure it was bc I gave up my daily 1k calorie alcohol diet. But after that 1st week I stopped gaining bc I started eating normal amounts again and got more active.

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Drink lots of lemon water. Lots of stir fry veggies. So wonderful!!

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I’m only 5 ft tall so gaining even 5lb looks like 20! I hate it lol

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Sounds to me you're gaining weight from eating and sugar.
Quitting drinking will cause our bodies to do strange things for awhile because you're healing.
You could get more active. Honey rather than the other stuff is better for curbing cravings. I don't drink any soda ever. I used to eat a lot of things that I don't anymore.
Since I've become a vegan, I lost weight and energy has increased. Just feel better overall.
No kidding.

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Lol I get that. But try to think about the positive things here. You aren't drinking. And with that comes more energy and more money in the bank that you can use to do anything you want

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It does pass… your body is neutralizing itself and alcohol is a diuretic. Stress can lead to bloat and weight gain too but look, I’ll tell you something… it’s impossible to gain 10lbs of fat overnight. Bloat will go away. Sometimes after I workout either weights or cardio I tend to be more bloated but it’s your muscles pulling in glyocegin. Try epsom salt baths those tend to help a bit too :smiley:

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Great points! Lol

And yea try to ditch the soda and drinks with artificial sweeteners. Do you like those flavored carbonated waters without any sugar or sweeteners? I drink them when craving something bubbly

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Thanks for the positive note i appreciate it love :two_hearts:

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Yes I do imma have to buy some more! I’ve been on an ale 8 kick lately lol it’s a pop made and sod only in Kentucky I love it

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Oh gosh girl I’m just barely 5”4 and petite frame so even 2-3 lbs I can feel it. Here’s to short girl problems lol

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Watch your salt intake. Keep sugar limited but enjoy once in awhile, no deprivation. If you want to know exactly how much your eating to make sure you don’t go over your calorie needs, use MyFitnessPal to track your food intake. I would go off that apps recommendations for your needs though as it’s super low… use an online calorie calculator and it’ll give you a general idea of where to start if you want to maintain or lose weight. Then enter those numbers into MyFitnessPal.

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Man!! I thought I was losing my mind with the weight gain!! Thought it was just me!!

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